Talk With Fury

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Later that evening after the talks whilst having Loki there. I couldn't sleep, everything was playing on mind. The look on his face, just broke me. How could I do this to him. He trusted me, he didn't trust people easily and I have just destroyed that. If anything this could make him worse. So I got up and dressed and thought I would go for a walk around. Then going down the halls Fury caught me and asked to talk.

"Elle, you do know the next part of the plan once Loki gets over and used to you and Thor correct? As it seems he is believing this story" Fury asked.

 I looked at him confused and he knew I clearly didn't know anything about the next stage.

"Well Elle, I think in the morning you should go shopping to buy some outfits which are going to represent Loki. Dress like you used to back on Asgard when you and Loki were official. Once he has forgot or at least tried to forget about you which maybe at least in a few days time, when we have really played the story out. You need to turn the tables and say it was all set up. We forced you to do it. Wear his colour and your real engagement ring and then he will believe you're on his side. It is clear he would do anything for you, and would do anything to have you back. Then you can gain information from him to help us" Fury grinned at the plan, not taking into account my feelings at all.

"Why do I feel like I'm only being used. I feel like I am your puppet" I asked getting angry

"You're not but you are the only one which can get close to Loki and who he trusts. You are all we have. To have any chance of saving the human face" Fury corrected

"Fine,I will go in morning to find something suitable. I will take the car you have, hopefully I can drive it. If not I will need someone to drop me off. I don't even know where anything is. I have had no time to explore the city. Good Night Fury I'm going for a walk and will pass Loki I want to see him but don't worry I am in yet another red outfit to rub it in more" I gave a smile and a nod

"Good night Elle. Make sure you don't talk to him. He needs to just see you as we want to keep the talking until the afternoon when you will pretend to be seeing him in secret while having a wedding fitting for a dress" Fury laughed

"Sounds fun" I laughed. But inside feeling sick and disgusted with myself.

I left Fury and carried on walking round waving and meeting new people who were on the night shift. I got to the doors which held Loki. I took a deep breath and entered. I caught a glimpse of where he was and he was sitting up on the bed he was provided with. It didn't seem comfortable and I felt bad for him having to go through all this. I want to know what made him turn on the world. I never made eye contact. But I just walked round the cell pretending to look for something but couldn't find as there was nothing I needed to find. But Loki didn't know that. Ready to exit the other door when I heard.

"I Love You" Loki whispered

I spun round and looked Loki straight in the eyes with a shock look on my face. This wasn't part of the plan, I was never mean't to show my true feelings. I just hope he didn't see through my mask of emotions. But I then turned and carried on and just walked out the door..........................

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