Dinner Date Part 2

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"Loki you're hurting me" I whispered while using my other hand to try make him loosen his grip

"First you tell me what it was all about" Loki spoke angrily

"I didn't want to do it Loki, they said I had to and guilt tripped me into everything" I lied

"This is interesting, Who's the liar now" He laughed and loosened the grip

"I had to play along and make you believe it. You know I only ever wanted you, look what we gone through together. I still remember the day I first met you again after 10 years.  I remember everything Loki" I smiled

"I'm sorry its just I really did think you had left me for Thor" He spat with a face of pure disgust.

I reached over and grabbed Loki's hand so he looked straight at me

"I love you and only you" I said lovingly. This part of the mission wasn't an act it was the truth.

"So what did you come here for? Did you know I would come" Loki spoke

"Well I want you to take me back, I want to come with you" I smiled

"Really so what was that act last night" He glared

"It was just an act Loki they told me I had to. I don't have the power over them" I put my head slightly down. Not wanting to make eye contact. Loki was always good at reading me.

"Don't have the power over them, your the most power-fullest female I know. Your a Goddess Elle you could kill them on the spot" He laughed while having a huge grin on his face.

"I know but that's not me they guilt tripped me and I don't want that any more. I want to be with you" I looked up and met his eyes.

It looked like Loki was debating with himself if it was the truth or another lie. Did he trust me? At this moment in time I couldn't read him. I have no idea what was running through his mind. 

"Okay you can come with me and be by my side. Where you should be" He proudly spoke. I looked at him with a massive smile on my face.

"Thank you so much" I got up and planted a massive kiss on his lips for lost time and he responded just as well. It has been to long since I have been this close to him. Good thing that are part of the restaurant was near empty so people couldn't see this display of affection. I never really like doing anything like this in public, I always get embarrassed. 

"You are so beautiful" Loki spoke looking into my eyes while pushing some stray hair aside. I just blushed while lowing my eyes. 

I took my seat and we ordered dinner like any normal couple and enjoyed the evening. It felt so weird but lovely that this moment in time it was back to being how it used to be. It felt like this war wasn't happening and we were back on Asgard enjoying a dinner together. 

"When are you coming over?" He spoke lovingly

"Well ill go back to Shield, pack my bags and ill ride over in the morning" I smiled.

"Okay here's the address love. Ill be waiting" Loki grinned.

Loki put the money on the table with a tip and held his arm out for me to take. Wow he looked lovely with his new longer hair, in his Armani suit with his scarf on. He was still as handsome as I remembered. We walked arm in arm out of the restaurant and found my car waiting for me. I turned to him

"Ill see you in the morning" I smiled and gave him a small kiss

"Ill be waiting" he grinned

I walked to the limo and got into the car ...........................................  

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