a sacrifice worth making

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[Mia and all of her friends/family all sat down in the living room talking about everything that has happened since no one has had the chance to sit and think]

"Maybe now we will have a better understanding" Barty spoke, Mia remembered that day and now she was wishing the chair would swallow her.

Mia: Alright Alexis first, what happened between you and Lily before I got there [Everyone turned to look at Alexis]

Alexis: I asked her how she did everything about James and Harry and Mia long story short she told me when she found out aunt Mira was pregnant she went and gave a love potion to her ex and made a baby and then couple weeks later she slipped a love potion to James at a bar and had him from there then when Mira gave birth she took Mia, she also said that she wasn't the one to save Harry, Mia was but no one knew how because Mia wasn't even in the room when it happened so that part remains a mystery she also told me her and Dumbledore were lovers [she quickly explained everyone scrunched their noses at the last part]

Everyone in the room saw what happened between Alexis and Lily so they just kinda ignored that part.

Mira: That's impossible James and Regulus was in the room when i gave birth that's how Regulus helped name her [she scoffed]

Now that caught everyone's attention.

Narcissa: Yea and the last time we seen Mia she was over a year old, all of you used to play In the play pin together [she added]

Lucius: And I know for a fact our memories are good because no one was able to get close to us at that time, we were told that Mira, James and Mia died that night that's why we never went looking for Mia [he stated]

Narcissa and Lucius shared a looking feeling guilty about their future selves.

Alexis: So why would Lily lie when she thought she was going to kill me?

Neville: Surly she would know what happened that night?

Mia: Father what's the last thing you remember before I brought you back?

James: Let's see the Dark Lord called a meeting we all went you were about a year and a month old exactly and then we all went home and Mira made dinner that's the last thing I remember is sitting down and eating.

Mira: That's the last thing I remember, I was feeding Mia chocolate cake cause she wouldn't stop making the pictures shake until I gave it to her [she laughed but then gave Remus a pointed look]

Remus snorted however a curtain rat was looking very uncomfortable.

Mia: Something isn't right, [she looks away] Alexis what did Lily call me?

Alexis: She called you Mia, why?

[Mia, Hermione and Rabastion shared a look]

Hermione: It wasn't Lily [she stated]

James: She shouldn't have been able to speak her name at all, Mia's name is a Royal name Muggle-borns can't say it without losing their magic and since Mia hated Lily she shouldn't have been able to even speak any form of Euphemia [he rubbed the bridge of his nose]

Alexis: If that wasn't Lily then who the hell was it?!

"If that wasn't Lily then who's head did you chop off" James raised a brow "I really didn't expect that" Pandora spoke.

Severus: Language! [He hissed]

Mia: [sighs] I'll be back [she walks up stairs]

"Can't they catch one fucking break" Barty grumbled "we get a little break from all the crazy stuff after we go for our third year but only for them" Mia sighed tilting her head toward her friends.

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