car rescue

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Petunia and Dudley watch as Vernon drills bars into Harry's bedroom window.]

"That's illegal" Hermione spoke "they don't care" Harry shrugged "doesn't matter anyways Hermione cause guess what's next" Ron smirked.

Vernon: [after tightening the bars, he glares at Harry, who glares back at him through the window] You're never going back to that school. You're never going to see those freaky friends of yours again. Never!

"He's a right pain in the ass isn't he" Sirius scoffed "a walrus is what he is" Marlene snorted "now, now marls that is offensive to walrus's" Mia tutted.

[Later that evening, as Harry is asleep in bed, he hears what sounds like a car engine outside. Waking up and putting on his glasses, he gets out of bed and walks to the window. Looking out the window, he sees a strange object moving through the sky. As he looks, the object appears to be a shooting star, before turning into two beams of light. A turquoise Ford Anglia car flies to Harry's bedroom window, then turns to the right as Harry and Hedwig silently watch. In the Ford Anglia is Ron, accompanied by his older twins, Fred and George.]

"I'm so kidnapping Fred and George" Sirius grinned and James agreed "honestly You'd be saving them" Remus nodded his head toward molly "ah but my dear marauders Mia had already done so" Fred and George said in sync.

Ron: [looking at Harry through the bars on his window] Hiya, Harry.

Harry: [surprised to see his friends] Ron, Fred, George, what are you all doing here?

"Obviously there to save you" Severus drawled.

Ron: Rescuing you, of course. Now, come on. Get your trunk!

[Eventually, Harry has gotten dressed, packed his Hogwarts trunk with some clothes, his books, pajamas, uniforms, and all other necessities, shuts it closed, and locks it.]

Ron: [putting a hook at the bars on Harry's window] You'd better stand back. [Harry steps back as Ron turns to the twin in the drivers' seat] Let's go!
[The car pulls the bars on Harry’s window off. SMASH! Petunia and Vernon wake up.]

"Oh wonderful you woke it up" Peter scoffed "I'm suprised Evans hasn't said anything" Sirius whispered but everyone heard and they all turned to the red head realizing she had no mouth Amilla had secretly removed when she arrested her.

Petunia: Oh!

Vernon: Now, what the hell’s he doing?
[Harry picks up his trunk and makes for the window, where the car's trunk is open for it.]

Vernon: Potter!

Dudley: [Also awake and on the landing] Dad! What’s going on!?
[Harry puts his trunk in the car.]

George: Go, go, go, go!

Dudley: Dad, hurry up! [Camera shows Vernon unlocking the locks on the door on Harry’s bedroom.]
[Harry picks up Hedwig's cage.]

Ron: Come on.

Fred: Come on.

Ron: Come on, Harry! Hurry up!
[Vernon unlocks Harry's door and opens it as Harry is about to climb out and into the car.]

"What would've happened if there was a fire he'd die" Narcissa scoffed "I'm starting to hate muggles" James spoke suprising a lot of people.

Vernon: Petunia, he’s escaping! [He grabs Harry’s ankle.]

"Oi let him go you fat bastered" James half yelled Harry rolled his eyes.

Harry: Aah!

Dudley: Get him, Dad!

Harry: Aah!

Ron: [Seizes Harry’s waist.] I’ve got you, Harry!

Vernon: Come here!

Harry: [struggles to get out of Vernon’s grip.] Let go of me!

Vernon: Oh no, boy! You and that bloody pigeon aren’t going anywhere!

Harry: Get off!

Ron: Drive!

Fred: Right.

George: Right!

Vernon: No! No! No! No! Aaaah! [He falls from the window and lands in the garden.]

Dudley: Dad!

Vernon: Oh... Damn. [He stumbles out of the garden.]

The hall laughed seeing the man hanging from the window.

[The car flies away.]

Ron: By the way, Harry, Happy Birthday!

[They fly off, away from Little Whinging; it is morning when they arrive at the Burrow, the Weasley family's residence; landing on the ground, they drive straight towards a pig pen, with two pigs relaxing inside, before coming to a complete stop.]

Molly smiled seeing her home.


Chapters of the snakes summer coming after the next chapter hope everyone is enjoying the story still.

Till next time lovelys 💚🖤

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