Chapter 1: The Battle of Fate

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Chapter 1: The Battle of Fate

Princess Yun Hee’s sword sliced through her enemies with deadly precision. Every movement was fluid and powerful, like a storm tearing through the battlefield. Her army, undefeated in battle, rallied behind her, their morale unshaken under her command. Mounted on her steed, she rode with unwavering determination, leading them toward inevitable triumph. The enemy forces, now on the brink of surrender, faltered under the relentless attack of her warriors, their defeat all but sealed.

Just as victory seemed within reach, an arrow tore through the air and embedded itself in Princess Yun Hee’s right shoulder. Pain shot through her, but her eyes burned with fury, not fear. With a defiant growl, she yanked the arrow from her wound, the blood dripping from her armor a testament to her strength. She cast the arrow aside and turned her gaze toward the direction from which it had been fired, her senses locked onto the unseen threat.

Through gritted teeth, she gave a sharp command to her troops, "Attack the remaining enemy forces!" As her army surged forward, she veered her horse and galloped toward the source of the treacherous arrow. Her mind sharpened with focus as another volley of arrows descended upon her. With swift reflexes, she brought her shield to the fore, protecting herself from the deadly barrage.

Before the arrows could reach her, a figure appeared—Supreme Commander Jungkook. He charged ahead, shield raised high, absorbing the arrows that would have otherwise found their mark on the Princess. Their eyes met in a brief moment of shared understanding. Together, they spotted the enemy fleeing into the thick cover of the forest. Without exchanging a word, they both set off in pursuit, their horses pounding the earth beneath them as they raced after the cowardly assassin.

The dense forest greeted them with silence, an eerie calm after the chaos of battle. Princess Yun Hee dismounted cautiously, her senses heightened as they tread carefully into the shadows. The forest seemed to hold its breath. Suddenly, an arrow struck again—but this time, Commander Jungkook was faster. He took the hit, shielding her with his own body. The arrow dug deep into his chest.

In that instant, the Princess rushed to his side, her heart tightening as she lowered him into her arms, their breathing ragged from both the chase and the pain. Commander Jungkook, ever the protector, smiled faintly despite his wound. Princess Yun Hee’s eyes shimmered with fierce determination. She could not let his sacrifice be in vain. Even as grief tugged at her, her warriors closed in, swiftly dealing with the remaining enemy under her second-in-command’s orders.

The battle was won.

Returning to her kingdom, she was greeted with glory and reverence. Her victorious army marched through the gates, met by the cheers and gratitude of their people. The citizens showered their Princess and her brave soldiers with praise, their joy palpable. But the King, watching from the palace steps, felt his heart lurch when he saw the blood staining his daughter’s hands and armor.

Fear gripped him as he rushed to her side. "Yun Hee, you’re hurt…" His voice trembled with concern.

But Princess Yun Hee, her strength unshaken, gestured toward Commander Jungkook, who stood tall by her side despite his wounds. "If it weren’t for his courage, Father," she said, her voice steady yet filled with emotion, "I wouldn’t be standing here now."

The crowd erupted into chants of Commander Jungkook’s bravery, their voices ringing out in honor of the man who had risked everything to protect their Princess. The King looked at his daughter and her commander, pride swelling in his chest. His eyes softened, filled with respect for the courage that had saved his kingdom.

As the sun set on that victorious day, Princess Yun Hee stood tall, her sword still wet with the blood of battle, her heart filled with gratitude for the warrior who had fought by her side. Together, they had won a battle—but the true war for the kingdom, and for their future, was only beginning.

Jungkook sat in his room, receiving treatment for his wounds from the royal healer. As the healer prepared an injection, Jungkook’s gaze drifted toward the moon, his eyes fixed on it as if he were an enamored lover gazing at his beloved. The healer, noticing this dreamy expression, asked, “Does it hurt?”

Jungkook replied with a playful smirk, “Oh, it hurts—like, a lot.”

The healer raised an eyebrow, intrigued. “Then why are you smiling?”

Jungkook kept his eyes on the moon, the twinkle in them revealing more than just admiration. The healer chuckled softly, understanding the deeper pain Jungkook was hinting at. With a knowing look, he said, “No one in this world can heal you, except for the one who has you lost in thought like that, Master.”

With a teasing grin, the healer gestured toward Jungkook, adding a playful wink, “Wishing you victory, Master.”

In the tranquil pond, Princess Yun Hee bathed, surrounded by a few loyal handmaidens. One of them, with a playful smile, remarked, "Princess, anyone who meets you finds their fortune opened; they are the luckiest men in this world."

Yun Hee chuckled softly, her heart warming at the thought. “I hope I can keep them happy,” she replied, her voice laced with hope.

The handmaiden then inquired, "Have you chosen your life partner yet?" Yun Hee didn’t know how to respond, and after a moment of silence, she left the pond, deep in thought.

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