Something doesn't feel right

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Janet was shown standing in front of her damaged car as a towel was wrapped around her shoulders still shooken up as she talks to a car insurance woman while the other three sit at a table not far the girls still soaked head to toe from the water.

"What are we supposed to do now I mean what's gonna happen to us" Lori asked.

"I honestly don't know " Toni says running a stressed hand over her face.

"You know saving Janet either destroyed deaths list...and all of us are home free or it skips her for now and then....and then I'm next" George says as they all say there in silence.

"Hey come on we'll think of something" Toni says still having some what of hope.

"She's right George you can't give up" Lori says.

George shakes his head shrugging his shoulders" no it's okay " he says confusing them.

"What do you mean it's okay I mean maybe if we all stick together--" Lori says trying to keep what hope she has left.

"No I'm at peace with it and my family is waiting for me I'm ready to go" George says as they all say in silence before George's House was shown as a dog was barking in the distance before he was shown sitting a a dining table with a glass of wine and a Bible deep in his thoughts before holding a coin out over his drink before dropping it to the table as his hands shake before he holds them together with a shaky sigh before nodding his head rubbing his hands together knowing what he has to do.

Nick and Lori's apartment was shown as nick still stayed in the same clothes while Lori and Toni each had a shower then changed it to fresh clothes.

Toni wore black jean shorts with a white tank top and tennis shoes as her hair lays around her in curls as she puts away anything sharp that could kill them.

Lori was shown sitting on the couch wearing a green and blue shirt with jeans and tennis shoes as she taps a box around some kitchen knifes with her hair around her shoulders.

Nick was shown somewhere in the room as he rolls up a hot glue gun "when we are done in here we need to make sure to safe proof the bedrooms next" Nick says.

Lori then sits the boxes taped knifes down on the coffee table still thinking about what George said earlier" I don't understand how George can be so calm about things "she says.

"Maybe he was in shock "Nick says as he was still putting things away.

"I don't think it's that Nick"Toni says shaking her head sitting down beside Lori.

"She's right it's not that it was very clear it' he just accepted it I think he's given up if he dies then I'm next" Lori says.

"And then me" Toni says running a stressed hand through her hair.

"And when that happens maybe you should keep your distance" Lori says.

"Babe cuz what are y'all talking about come on "Nick says sitting down by them as Toni looks up at her cousin with tears.

"We're gonna die Nick and if we do then your next I don't want to see you die you are my family" toni says with a sniffle.

"We just don't want anything to happen to you and if you're together with us it makes it just easier for death to take all three of us" Lori says.

Nick shakes his head"I don't care what happens we are all in this together "Nick says just as a wind blows into the room as a a familiar chill goes down Toni's back just as the coffee cup on the table falls over wetting the news paper as some words were missed as a message was shown 'through action they were saved' was shown.

Toni looks down seeing the hidden message "guys look "she says pointing at the news paper making Nick and Lori see what she was seeing it was a sign.

"Maybe no one has to die we should go tell geoy" Nick says before they all rush out of the apartment as the inside of George's front door was shown as knocking was heard.

"Hello George" Nick was heard as he slowly opened the front door as they step inside the house looking around.

"George you here" toni calls out as Lori closes the front door.

"We think saving Janet broke the chain George"Nick says as they stood in front of the foyer before walking forward as the dining table was shown with a Bible and half filled glass of wine as they look around before a clunking noise was heard as they look at a door ahead as a light was shown underneath as they all rushed to the door opening it showing a bedroom.

"George"Nick calls out as Toni looks around before turning her head as she gasp with horror making Nick and Lori see George hanging from the ceiling fan off the the ground by a rope before his eyes as he chokes before they rush forward to help only for him to kick them back as the rope snaps as he falls to the ground breathing heavily as they help him to his feet.

"Oh my god are you crazy after everything we've been through" Lori says breathing heavily.

"Why are you trying to kill yourself " Nick asked panting.

George was breathing heavily back on his feet with the broken rope still around his neck"trying to give God what I thought he wanted I've been trying to kill my self all day I took a bottle of painkillers I just threw them up then I went to the garage hooked a hose from the tailpipe....stuck it inside the car kept stalling then... "George rants before coughing before pointing at the ceiling fan before the four were sitting on his bed.

"So you tried to kill yourself multiple times but each time you couldn't" Toni says trying to put the pieces together.

"Wait saving Janet must have destroyed the list then when me and Toni saved Janet at the car wash" Lori says as they all share a look the chain was broken before they were all shown standing around Georges coffee table as he opens a bottle of apple cider as the cork pops off.

"I think a congratulations are in order"he says as they celebrate there now new freedom or so they thought.

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