Beating death

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Nick shakes his head coming out of a premonition breathing heavily "I mean it's like deja vu my wife said that deja vu is God's way--" he hears George says he he whirls around to warn George.

"Look out!"he says only for blood to splatter on his as a ambulance hits George running him over as he was killed as everything that happened in the premonition he just had his happening before he quickly runs off to the mall to stop the rest from coming true before his car was shown speeding as his breaks screech making his car halt to a stop before quickly getting out of his car running to the mall. 

Janet,Lori and Toni were shown in theater 13 watching love lays dieing as Janet eyes some popcorn "done in front asshole" a man yells making as chills went down Toni's back as she takes her 3D glasses have a sense of dejavu as she looks around as a bad feeling starts to swell in her stomach as Lori looks back as she slowly faced forward.

Nick was shown running through people on a floor in the mall as he continues to push through people as he runs before finding deconstruction entrance as he quickly runs through it past movie posters finding deconstruction room of a screening room that was being worked on as he runs through the door as he walks out from behind a construction Wall smoke everywhere as he sees the saw dust pile and cart completely on fire in front of the supplement combustible containers as a trail of fire was right in front of it.

"Janet something is wrong" Lori says just as a fire alarm was shown on a wall in the as nick runs to it as it quickly pulls it down but it wasn't working as everything continues to burn before looking up seeing it not connected with an open wire he looks around before finding a fire extinguisher as he rushes to it taking it off the wall as he runs over to the fire before using the a fire extinguisher to put out the fire as he coughs as he continues to use the fire extinguisher to put out the fire as he manage to put out the fire on the trail now just put the rest of the fire out as he continues to use the fire extinguisher as he puts the gas cans that were on fire out before doing the same thing to the burning saltus pile putting out most of the fire before the fire extinguisher stops working as he shakes it. 

"Come on come on come on unh damn it" he says breathing heavily throwing the fire extinguisher to the side when it wasn't working anymore as it rolls across the floor into a table that had the large nail gun as the table tilts as nails roll off. 

Nick then trys to stomp out the burning saw dust pile as the table groans tilting forward as nick continues to stomp out the fire as burning ash flys up into the air past Nick who coughs as the nail gun starts sliding off the table slowly as the burning pise of ash floats over to another saw dust pile with wood before it lands on it just as nick puts out the fire coughing before the other saw dust pile was shown as it lights up in flames making Nick whirl around just as the nail gun falls off the table onto the ground triggering it as nails were shut through nicks arm into a wall as he crimson pain One nail into his wrist and another in his arm as to pierce right by his head as he screams while more nails are shot at the supplement combustible containers as one was shown being pierced into as some of the fluid inside starts to leak out as the nail gun stops.

"Fuck! Oh!" He says in pain looking at his pinned arm as blood rushed out of his wounds as he grunts in pain gasping.

Lori retakes off her 3D glasses "look what if we were wrong about the order what if we're wrong about breaking the chain " she says.

"She's right Janet I've been getting these bad chills this whole time" Toni says.

"Then we wouldn't be here at all is it here I am trying to watch a movie.... Despite my best friend and her boyfriend sister going crazy next to me"Janet says.

"Look Janet forget about the damn movie and listen to us" Toni says with frustration.

Nick was shown grunting as he was trying to pull his arm loose but it was pinned as he stops while breathing through the pain before hearing licking as he turns to the supplement combustible containers beside his as one was shown leaking through holes as liquid pours out as it heads to the new burning saw dust pile.

"Oh fuck oh shit shit" he says breathing hard as a trail moves around his foot as it heads to the fire slowly as he looks around before looking up at the water sprinklers above him getting an idea as a skinny piece of wood is right beside his other foot as he grunts trying to reach it in pain with his other hand before using his foot to move it closer before the helicopter scene before a bomb timer was shown of love lays dieing was shown as Lori and Toni couldn't shake this feeling.

He continues to move a piece of wood closer with his foot as he was finally able to grab it as the end was on fire before he grunts lifting it up as best as he can groaning in pain as the trail gets closer and closer as he lifts the stick up high as he can to the water sprinkler.

The bomb on the movie was shown as the timer was speeding off fast "it's gonna blow move it!" A man on he screen says as the fluid was almost to the burning pile as Nick groans leaving the burning stick at the water sprinkler as the trail makes contact with the burning pile as the fire travels fast.

"Bye bye suckers" the man on the screen says as Toni and Lori couldn't shake this feeling that something bad was about to happen

The fire travels around Nick at the supplement combustible container before he get the burning piece of wood close enough as it sets it off as water sprays everywhere as nick yells before the explosion scene on the movie happens making me cry gasp as Lori and Toni jump flinching but sees nothing physically happened as they look around see everything was okay as they let out breath of relief maybe they were wrong and janet was right.

Nick was shown breathing heavily leaning against the wall he was pinned to dropping the piece of wood with a clank as he stopped the rest of his premonition from coming true as water continue to rain down

"I guess this is how I'm going to be remembered thanks " a man on the screen says as Janet smiles watching the movie as Toni and Lori lean back in there seats as nick was shown leaning against the wall as water continues to rain down has everything went white.

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