Chapter 23 part 1: new bonds

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Nightmare looked in a mirror, breathing in relief. But he felt a vision of himself when he was corrupted, still lingering, as if he can never truly escape. He tried to shake it away, rotating his head. It was as if this illusion of escape from the darkness was still pulling him by itself, not needing him to give up to drag.

Nightmare shook, it. He looked to the mirror.

''I have to be called Night Sans.... That would strike less fear then what I once caused....'' he told himself.

He then saw a figure looming, only to see it was Chara. She looked, concerned for his well-being. She trudged her legs to him, her hand on his shoulder.

''are you okay?'' she asked. Night looked to see that yes, It was her. He blushed.

''yeah... it's just... I still have visions of my corrupted self... it's like it's hard to shake...'' Night whimpered, a tear forming in his eyes. But Chara moved the tear off him.

''listen, no matter what you did in the past, it can't define who you are now'' Chara said, hugging him. ''we're always gonna be here to help you fight it''

Night didn't want to pull away from the hug... but he had to, because if he didn't, he wouldn't be able to do anything else....

He could admit, he liked Chara. He could even go so far to admit... he had grown feelings for her since they first met, right after she was back to normal barely any time ago. But he was aware she and Frisk are dating. However, he didn't get angry over this, and accepted her choices, knowing it's one-sided.

He smiled, just happy he was free from the pain that he himself once caused, and the pain done to him.

Error felt Frisk near him, moodily giving him a piece of candy. Error sighed, continuing to suck on his own sweet.

''you never give up, don't you?'' Error said, a small hesitant chuckle coming from his dimple smile-built mouth.

''mmmm yummy'' Frisk spoke, as he chowed down. Error soon had a small smile for this kiddo and his sweet tooth.

He felt as if he reminded him of another time....

No. don't think.

There's a multiverse to save. A multiverse Error must atone for. Because now... now that he can see that alternate universes were never glitches [well, most], he must find a new purpose for his life. Something to fill his time.

But for now, he mustn't think too heavily on that. X!Gaster and the Creatsroyer's defeats were the first priority. Maybe go to Ink for advice what to do next afterword?

''hey kid, have you wondered what purpose you want to find in this fucked world?'' Error said, sighing, breathing.

''it's just... I always think about everyone. I want people to be happy. But I don't want to put them in any more danger'' Frisk said, looking a sideway. ''the multiverse is so wide. You can never truly destroy something, as there's another of it.''

The new friends sat, planning they're next move.

A move that could help with they're victory to save the multiverse, and what it stood for.

Because they couldn't turn back. Not now... not anymore... 

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