Would You be so Kind (As to Fall in Love with Me?)

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Originally posted: November 15th, 2022

Omar liked to consider himself an expert on complicated relationships. Sister-That's-More-Like-A-Mom? Got one of those. Best friend turned bitter enemy turned acquaintance turned friend again? Do you mean Maya? A sworn enemy who turned aforementioned friend against you who's now in the library's comic club with you? That sure is a thing happening now. But nothing could have prepared him for his relationship with one John Paul Mercer.

The first time they met he didn't think much of it, more focused on the threat Xavier posed. Throughout most of their early relationship, they were acquaintances at best and strangers at worst. Then, after Capture the Flag, when he was fully accepted as a Stump Kid, something clicked. He and JP became fast friends, sticking together even through the turbulence of Omar's freshman year. Suddenly it felt like he had known JP for his entire life instead of just a couple of years, and he never felt more comfortable than when he was hanging out with him. When he finally realized why (why he always looked forward to hanging out with JP more than anything, why seeing JP smile made his heart flutter, why he got so flustered when he accidentally grabbed his hand while watching a movie), it was too late.

It all happened when they were playing Power Punchers at Omar's house. Everything was going well, even though JP was winning. The match ended and Omar was going to congratulate his best friend but stopped short. He had been so engrossed in the game that he didn't realize that he had started leaning against him. They were so close, and it made Omar dizzy, even though it made no sense. They had been this close before, heck they had been closer, so what was going on. Omar finally turned his head and felt his heart stop for a moment. JP was looking back at him, smiling softly, and Omar couldn't take his eyes off him. That was when it all clicked. He had fallen in love with his best friend. Who had a girlfriend. The moment that he remembered Maney, he tore his eyes away from JP. Because no matter what his mind tried to conjure up at that moment to excuse the thoughts of leaning in, gently taking JPs chin with his hand pulling him closer—

Stop. He couldn't let himself think about it. JP and Maney were together and had been since before Omar met JP. Picking up his controller, Omar bit the inside of his cheek to fight the rising heat in his face.

"Let's go again, I'll get you this time."

JP chuckled. "That's what they all say."

Weeks before Omar realized what he was feeling, JP found out his own. He promptly locked those feeling away deep inside a corner of his heart. After all, he was dating Maney and loved her, why was he feeling like this for someone else? It took several weeks of debating with himself, complete with several google searches and online quizzes, to come to terms with himself and his feelings. The only thing left was to talk it out with Maney.

His TV illuminated the dark living room, a documentary about horses playing in the background as JP and Maney cuddled on the couch. Maney's head was resting on JP's chest as she lay on top of him. They were supposed to be studying for the PSAT, but they got distracted almost immediately. JP felt Maney's hand clutch his own tighter, and he made up his mind, he was going to do it tonight.

"Hey, Maney? Can I talk to you?"

"Yeah, of course." Maney shifted her position, so she could look at JP. "What's up, love?"

"You remember when I told you I was bi?"

"Yes, what about it?"

"Well," JP paused for a second. "What if I was polyamorous too?"

"That's fine." Maney's response was immediate, almost like she had been expecting it.


"Absolutely. Just talk to me if anything comes up." Maney smiled sweetly.

"I like Omar." JP blurted out. "And you, obviously, but him too. And this doesn't have to go anywhere but— "

"JP," Maney cut him off. "It's okay, I don't mind. But can we finish the show before we have the big relationship talk?"

JP felt himself relax. "'Course we can."

Maney settled back down on JP's chest, snuggling up to him, and JP rested his hand on her shoulder, rubbing it gently.

"I love you so much." He said quietly.

"I love you too, sweetie."

A month later, JP found himself laying with Omar in his backyard. An abandoned book report sat scattered around them, held back from flying away by rocks placed on the papers. JP turned his head to the side and looked at Omar. His bucket hat was coving his eyes, but enough of his face was exposed so that JP could see the faint freckles smattered across his skin, a leftover from the years spent guarding the overpass and playing in the Creek. A bird sang in a distant tree, and JP made up his mind, he said would do it now. Maney had given her blessing for him to ask out Omar (they would iron out all the details once they knew that Omar was onboard), so he had nothing to worry about on that front.

"Hey, Omar?" JP kept his eyes trained on a cloud that looked like a horse.

"What's up, man?" Omar lifted the hat from his face and rolled onto his side, propped up on his elbows. The hat was left abandoned in the grass. Seeing Omar without his hat was a rare occurrence these days, but JP didn't let it distract him.

"I'm polyamorous."

"Oh, congrats! I'm proud of you, dude."

"And I have a crush on you." The words hung in the air, suspended across the sky. JP let them float there a moment longer before he looked at Omar.

He was sitting up fully now, eyes as wide as saucers and shining like stars, his mouth hung slightly open. A dusting of deep red was spread across his face.

"...Omar?" JP asked cautiously. That snapped him out of it. He blinked a couple of times before finding his bearings.

"You— Really?"

"Yeah dude, I wouldn't mess around with you like this," JP said.

"What about Maney? Are— Is she—"

"She's fine with this. I talked with her a while back. I want to date both of you, and she's willing to give it a shot if you are."

"Ah." Omar stared at his hand in awe. "Can you pinch me?"

"What?" JP was taken aback. "Why?"

"This just feels kinda like a dream." Omar looked down at his lap. JP felt himself grin as he took Omar's hand. He pinched the back of Omar's wrist as lightly as he could before looking back into his eyes.

"Do you believe it now?"

"Yeah..." The word was barely a whisper on Omar's lips.

"So..." JP took a breath. "Would you like to go out with me?"

"Yes!" Omar barely let JP finish his sentence before replying. "I mean, yes, I'd love to." He giggled. "Sorry, sorry. I'm just happy."

"You've got nothing to be sorry about," JP said. They smiled at each other for a moment before Omar laid back down. JP laid down next to him taking in the sky once again. Pressure on the top of his hand grabbed his attention again, and JP lifted his head.

Resting on top of his own hand was Omar's. JP turned over his hand and laced their fingers together.

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