Burgers and Fries

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Originally posted: November 8th, 2022

"Thank you Herkleton! That was the last song of tonight. Exits are located in the back, along with our merch stands wink wink. Have a safe trip home and a rocking night!"

The crowd cheered one last time, before turning and heading back to the lobby, right where Craig was waiting. Kit nudged his arm.

"Alright, last wave of sales." She said.

"Yep," Craig said, staring at the doors. Omar and JP had just entered the lobby, laughing together. Kelsey and Stacks were nowhere to be seen.

"I can handle these guys, you go on." Kit said. Craig jumped a bit before looking back at her. He took in her sideways smile and felt his brow furrow.

"Are you sure? The crowd is bound to be bigger now--"

"Come on Craig, I know you've been antsy all night. Go ask them to hang out or something, I can handle the crowd."

"All right, if you're sure..." Craig His chest felt like it was full of ants as he approached the duo. It had ended so awkwardly before the concert, but he couldn't let this chance slip away. Their group had been steadily growing apart since JP entered high school, and he missed his friends so much.

Craig bit the bullet and called out to them. "Hey, JP! Omar!" The two turned their heads.

"Hey, Craig!" JP said, walking over to meet him. "Man, did you see Katie's trick up there?"

"Nah, I was back at the merch stand."

"Why?" Omar asked, slinging his arm around JP's shoulder. "Are they paying ya'?"

"Oh, kind of? David actually commissioned me to make the T-shirts over there and he asked if I'd help man the stand as well." Craig rubbed the back of his neck.

"Dude really? That's sick!" Omar said, face lighting up.

"Aw come here!" JP pulled Craig into a hug. "I'm so proud of you man! I've definitely gotta buy one now. Babe, you still have my wallet?"

"Right here." Omar tossed the small leather wallet over to JP, who caught it in one hand.

"Be right back!" JP rushed into the crowd gathered around the stand, leaving Craig and Omar alone,

A few beats of silence passed before Craig gathered up the courage to talk. "So, you guys doing anything after this?"

"Mmm probably just hanging out nearby, maybe grab a bite to eat, you know."

"Yeah, yeah." Moment of truth. "You want to come with me to get some burgers?"

"I'm down for that." Omar smiled. "It's been way too long since we've hung out." Craig smiled back and put his hands in his pockets. They chatted a bit more while waiting for JP to come back, mostly about teachers at school.

"Oh yeah, no Mrs. Denadio was the worst. One time, she assigned a whole project and only gave us two days to work on it."

"No. Don't tell me that's the final project she's been talking about all semester."

"Good luck, man."

"Hey, guys!" JP called as he ran over, wearing the t-shirt over his sweater. "What do y'all think?" He posed a bit, showing off the shirt.

"As handsome as always, babe. Craig wanted to go grab some food with us, you down for that?"

"Oh absolutely! Let's go celebrate your first step on the road to fame.

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