Late Night Conversations

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Originally posted: sometime in 2022
A/N - note that this makes more sense if you've read "What it Means to be Siblings", but it works as a standalone :)
If you haven't read WiMtbS, then just know that the Secret Keeper's real name is Ben

"May I have your phone number? So we can set up a day and time?" Ben looked back at George stunned.

"Wh- Ah! Yes, absolutely, of course!" He stumbled over his words, still a bundle of nerves.

George pulled out his phone and opened it, handing Ben a new contact page. He quickly did the same and took the phone. Hands shaking, it took a second to adjust to the larger screen size and bright light.

Halfway through putting his phone number in, he had to backtrack completely. (That was not his number, function brain! Function!) After finally getting the correct number, he paused a moment before adding a cat emoji next to his name.

"Done!" Ben said.

"Ah, lovely." George took passed back Ben's phone and took his own.

Ben looked at the contact, very simple with his full name and number, and felt his chest flutter again. He had his number.

"Crap!" Ben exclaimed, looking at the time. "It's getting so late, oh no." He pocketed his phone and turned to go, hesitating. "I'll see you later?"

"Yes, of course," George said.

Ben took one last look at him, light from inside the willow tree illuminating his face in an ethereal way. He felt his face heating up again and ran home.


Marie had been just about to fall asleep when Ben burst into her room.

"MARIE! Marie oh my god, oh my god." He closed the door behind him and sank down to the floor.

"Mmmm... what? What happened?" She sat up rubbing her eyes.

"I was out at the Creek, right? For the Cardboard City event?"

"Yeah, I was there? What—"

"I told George I like him." That got her attention.

"You what!?" Marie threw back her blanket and hurried over next to him. "How? What happened? Did it go well?" Ben buried his face in his hands as she sat down next to him.

"It went well, but I made a fool of myself," Ben said into his hands.

"Whaaat? No way."

"Yes way! I acted like a total dork when he asked me to hang out, and I almost gave him my mom's phone number instead of mine!"

"That's just the nerves talking, there's no way you could possibly act like a dork. I should know, I've seen you closest to being a dork."

Ben chuckled a little and lifted his head. "Thanks, Marie."

"Any time, now get out of my room. It's past nine and I'm tired."

"Wow, love you too," Ben said as he stood up.


The Tea-Timer's willow tree was dark as Eliza and Jane finished turning all of the lights off. Their phone flashlights guided them out to the front of the tree where George stood, in the same spot he had been in for a while.

"George, what happened? Where were you?" Jane said.

"I— I do believe that I just asked the Secret Keeper on a date." He looked stunned, with a small smile on his face. Jane gasped, eyes alight.

"What! George you sneak, I didn't know you liked him!" Jane said, giving him a playful punch in the arm.

"Well, it was just a small crush so I didn't think it mattered much. However, the Secret Keeper, he said he also liked me and I asked if he would like to hang out sometime."

"Seriously?" Eliza said. "Good for you George! You're going to have to let us in on all the details."

"You did get his phone number, right?" Jane chimed in.

"Of course, I did, though I almost gave him the wrong number." He chuckled sheepishly.

"Really?" Eliza said smugly. "That doesn't sound like 'just a small crush'" She and Jane giggled.

"Oh, hush," George said, a blush dusting his cheeks.


George tugged at the sleeve of his sweater and glanced back at the house's front door. It felt odd going to the Creek in different clothes, but he wasn't about to get his suit dirty.

Besides, this was a casual hangout, a suit would seem out of place and pretentious.

Glancing at the door again, he paced slightly faster. The public schools did get out later than Herkleton Academy, but he had checked the time twice. Ben should—

He was jarred out of his thoughts when Ben came walking down the street with... one of the horse girls? It was Marie if he remembered correctly. They were holding juice boxes. Ben stopped in his tracks upon seeing him. Marie gave him a small shove and he rushed over.

"George?! Have you been waiting—"

"It's alright, I miscalculated when you would get home."

"Let me put my stuff down, I'll be right back. Then we can go!" Ben said hurriedly. Running inside, he left George alone with Marie.

"Hey," Marie said.

"Hello. I didn't know you two were friends."

"Siblings, actually."



Marie took a long sip from her juice box. Awkward tension filled the air between them. Ben saved them by coming out soon after.

"I'm here, ready to go!"

"Cool, see you later," Marie said as she went inside, leaving the two alone.

A slight breeze blew by, ruffling their hair.

"Hey." Ben had a soft smile on his face and a blush on his cheeks.

George felt his own face heat up a bit. "Hey."

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