Old Man Yaoi

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Originally posted: June 2nd, 2023

"So... this is weird. Right?"

"A little yeah."

Kelsey had never thought about her dad being romantic before, the mere thought of it grossed her out. Yet when he brings a new "friend" home, herself and a friend are forced to confront a budding romance between two middle aged men

AKA Kelsey's dad has a crush and Kelsey had to deal with it

Shout out to David for giving me the idea for this. This is the second time something like this has happened so hope you enjoy lol

It all started last weekend. Kelsey had come home to her dad cooking dinner, nothing out of the ordinary there, except he was humming. Kelsey didn't know that her dad could hum.

Then, over dinner, he brought up meeting someone new that day. Another parent, someone from Herkleton Mills. Kelsey hadn't paid too much attention, more focused on her lasagna. A couple days later, her dad brought up the friend again. This time mentioning that they were heading out to lunch the next day. Again Kelsey had paid it little mind, her dad met up with people all the time. It was nothing out of the ordinary. (Even if he had seemed a bit more lively lately.)

It was only when her dad mentioned that they would be coming over for dinner, and bringing their kid along too, that Kelsey stopped to connect the dots. The humming, bringing the friend up more and more frequently, the change in attitude... if those romance mangas that Yustice had lent her had taught Kelsey anything it was that these were telltale signs of a crush. Which was so weird. Kelsey did not want to think about her dad having a crush. Or going on dates. Or kissing someone, bleck. That was not anything she ever wanted to think about.

Yet here she was, wearing her nice dress while her dad adjusted his tie in the hallway mirror. (The need to dress up doing nothing to dissuade her theory.) The friend and his kid were supposed to be there any minute. Putting the thoughts of her dad and the potential crush out of her mind, Kelsey chose to focus on the kid instead. There were two outcomes here. Either it was some indoor kid who she didn't know, or it was someone from the Creek. That could get awkward fast. They lived in Herkleton Mills so it couldn't be anyone from her side of the Creek, but that didn't exactly narrow it down. (A small voice asked what if Xavier showed up at her front door. A thought that was almost worse than her dad kissing someone)

The doorbell rang, dragging both the Pokolys out of their thoughts. After one last look in the mirror, Kelsey's dad approached the front door. Kelsey steeled herself for the worst as the door opened.

"Ravi! Welcome, come on in."

Kelsey did a double take as Raph's dad came through the door, wearing a suit jacket and slacks. Raj followed close behind. Both kids stared at each other, taking in the situation.

"It's wonderful to see you, Neil." Raj's dad said, bringing Kelsey's dad into a quick side hug. After they separated he glanced at Kelsey, smiling again. "And Kelsey, it's good to see you as well."

"You two have met?" Kelsey's dad asked.

"She came with Raj and a few others to our house once, to visit my mother."

"Oh, that's nice. Dinner is cooling off in the kitchen..." The dads walked away, headed to the kitchen. Kelsey didn't miss the slight blush dusting both their faces either.

She and Raj were left in awkward silence, one Kelsey was desperate to break. "So... this is weird, right?"

"A little, yeah," Raj said. "I'm like, ninety percent sure that my dad likes your dad. Like, he's a crush on him."

"I think mine does too." Kelsey stuck her tongue out "Ick, that's so weird to think about."

"Seriously weird." Raj agreed. "But, this is the happiest I've seen my dad in a while."

"Yeah... my Dad's been humming. I didn't even know he could hum!"

Raj laughed. "My dad's been so upbeat around the house that even my Grandma has noticed."

"Kids, dinner's ready." Kelsey's dad called out.

Throughout dinner, Kelsey watched her dad. He laughed and smiled so much when talking with Raj's dad. So, Kelsey resigned herself to fate.

Besides, hanging out with Raj more wouldn't be all that bad.

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