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Hello everyone! My name is Jia and this is the first story I've ever released here on Wattpad. Please don't be afraid to comment, I love seeing people's reactions to my writing. Also, don't forget to vote! I appreciate each and every single one of you that has taken the time to read about the chaotic mess that is Isabel and Lea. ❤️

There are nights when I allow myself to drift back to the moments when it was you and I against the world, not against each other.

It was a late Sunday afternoon when you decided to sneak into the backyard of my parents' house to escape your own. I remember helping my mother with the dishes when I saw the top of your head poke out from the windowsill.

"Looks like you've got a guest," My mom said quietly with a smile, nodding her head in the direction of the rose bushes you were hiding behind whilst drying the remainder of the dishes with a white washcloth.

I looked up at my mother, silently asking for permission to join you outside.

"It's okay, you can go."

I don't think I've ever tied my shoes faster than I did that evening.

The sun hung low in the sky, casting a warm pink and orange glow over the horizon. I twirled in a circle, my laughter bubbling up like music.

"C'mon, Isabel! Let's see who can make the best fairy house!"

I rummaged through the corner of the shed, searching for my extra pair of fairy wings. Isabel sat on the tire swing, swaying back and forth as she furrowed her brows. "Fairy houses? Don't you think we're a little old for that?"

I grinned, feeling the familiar tulle fabric against my fingertips. I leaned in further, gripping the corner of the fairy wings and yanking it out. My heart raced with excitement.

"Old? No way! And, I have the bestest idea." I stepped in front of the tire swing and pushed against it with all my little might, stopping its momentum. Isabel held her arms open as I slipped the rubber garter of the fairy wings through each arm until they stood upright in between her shoulder blades, shimmering when they came into contact with the rays of the sun.

I used to believe those fairy wings were meant for her. Like she could flutter them and float off the ground with ease.

I grabbed as many sticks as my tiny hands could hold. "We can make castles! Then the fairies can throw a party!"

She swung her legs back and forth, the hint of a smile starting to form. "Fine. But only if I can decorate mine with flower petals!"

We got to work, the soft crunch of leaves muffling our chatter to the world around us. I gathered wildflowers, their colors vibrant against the dirt, while Isabel carefully arranged the sticks.

"Look!" I shouted excitedly, holding up a bright yellow flower. "This one is a royal flower! It'll make our castles the most enchanting places in the fairy world!"

Isabel stared at the flower, and for a moment, her cool demeanor cracked. "Maybe fairies like flowers, but what they really want is a gigantic castle!" She stacked the sticks higher and higher, a challenge igniting in her eyes.

"Okay, let's see whose is taller!" I declared, my competitiveness starting to show. We worked faster, the air filled with our playful energy.

When we stepped back to finally admire our castles, I noticed Isabel's expression softened. "You know, if we're going to throw a party for the fairies, we need to invite everyone."

My eyes widened, thinking of how fun it'd be if I invited my mom and dad. "Of course! Everyone's invited!" I beamed, imagining the magical celebration.

But as we sat together on the lush grass, giggling and getting lost in daydreams, we had no idea that the world around us was about to shift. The weight of expectations and difficult decisions loomed like storm clouds on the horizon, ready to rain down on us and darken our sunny days.

"Promise we'll always be best friends?" I asked, sticking my pinky out.

Isabel paused and looked over at me, shaking the grass off her small hands before tightly hooking her pinky around mine.


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