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I woke up later than usual, the sunlight already streaming through my window. After groaning at my alarm, I threw off the blankets and dragged myself to the bathroom. The cool water on my face was a relief, and I took my time washing up, trying to shake the grogginess from last night. I hadn't even stayed out late, but I felt tired, drained.

I grabbed a soft, beige button up shirt and tucked it into a loose black skirt that rested on my hips. I undid the first two buttons, showing off the golden butterfly necklace I always wore. I decided to pair my outfit with some black boots that go up to my knees, and then rolled up my sleeves a bit to complete the look. I decided to leave my hair down, running a hand through it to give it a more relaxed appearance. Looking in the mirror, I gave myself a nod. Not too shabby for a rushed morning.

The drive to campus was pretty uneventful, the usual morning traffic making me zone out as I made my way to the studio. I checked the clock—cutting it close, but not late. Yet

It's Thursday today, meaning I'd have studio with Isabel.

When I arrived, I expected to see Isabel already here, setting things up. But she wasn't. Weird. Isabel was never late. I brushed it off, thinking maybe she had something important come up. I dropped my bag near the piano and sat down, waiting for her to show up. Fifteen minutes passed. Still no sign of her.

I pulled out my phone, debating if I should text her. Isabel wasn't the type to skip class without saying something, and definitely not with the showcase looming over us. I stared at her name in my contacts, hesitating. Maybe I was overthinking it. She'd probably show up any minute.

But she didn't.

With a sigh, I finally tapped her name and hit call, lifting the phone to my ear. It rang once, twice—then, to my surprise, her friend Gio answered.

I've had a few classes with him which is how I know him, and I've seen him walking around campus with her a couple times.

"Hey," his voice was hurried, distracted. I could hear the noise in the background, something chaotic. Isabel's voice yelling, unmistakably irritated.

"Uh, where's Isabel?" I asked, confused. "She's not here for class."

Gio let out a tired sigh, and I could tell he was busy. "Oh, yeah, she's not coming. She's sick. Last night was rough, and she's been throwing up since. Casey's helping, but it's been a whole thing."

Casey? I didn't recognize the name, but it wasn't like I kept tabs on all of Isabel's friends. Isabel's voice echoed in the background, full of complaints and what sounded like a fit, and I was hit with a flash of memory—back when we were kids. Isabel was impossible to deal with when she got sick. She hated being taken care of, hated showing weakness.

"Um, is she okay?" I asked, though it was more out of habit. Gio sounded like he was managing it.

"She's... being Isabel," he said, with a dry chuckle. "But listen, if it's not too much trouble, could you pick up some soup or something for her? Casey's been handling things here, and I've been up all night with her."

I hesitated. I had a million things to do today, and running errands for Isabel wasn't exactly on the agenda. But then again, she was my partner for the showcase. And sick Isabel was a whole different level of difficult.

"Yeah, okay. I can grab something for her," I sighed, relenting. "I'll bring it by later."

"Thanks, Lea," Gio said, clearly relieved.

I hung up the phone and stared at it for a moment. Great. Just what I needed today. Still, a small part of me felt like maybe I was doing the right thing. Even if Isabel would probably still find a way to be difficult about it.

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