The Trainee

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Zoe stood in front of her vanity mirror, sighing softly as she adjusted the lighting. Today marked the beginning of her training as a celebrity makeup artist, and the weight of it settled heavily on her chest. Nervous energy coursed through her, and she swore her stomach was about to betray her.

Unlike many of her peers, she hadn't come from a formal training background; her passion for makeup had earned her this opportunity. The thought both thrilled and terrified her. The training program was designed to teach essential skills by working directly with idols, a prospect that was as daunting as it was exhilarating.

"Are you ready?" the girl she would be shadowing asked, her soft smile instantly calming the whirlwind of nerves in Zoe's mind. Zoe nodded, grateful for the support.

"Okay, let's go," the girl replied, holding the door open with an encouraging gesture. They stepped into the bustling corridors of the MAMA Awards, the excitement palpable in the air. Zoe could hardly believe her luck; this was her first real assignment, and it was at one of the biggest events in the industry. As they approached a doorway, the girl opened it and ushered Zoe inside.

The scene that greeted her was a whirlwind of activity, a chaotic ballet of creativity in motion. Stylists and assistants dashed around, arms laden with an array of hair tools, clothing racks, and vibrant makeup kits, all working feverishly to perfect their looks before the ceremony. The air hummed with a palpable energy, a blend of excitement and urgency that made Zoe's heart race.

Zoe took a moment to absorb it all, her eyes wide with wonder. The bright lights glinted off mirrors reflecting a myriad of colours—bold reds, shimmering golds, and soft pastels. This was a world alive with possibilities, where every stroke of makeup and every twist of hair was a testament to the artistry of transformation.

"We will be stationed over here. Our idol hasn't arrived yet, as usual" she mumbled the last bit. She seemed overly annoyed with the idol she would be training on.

"Are they often late?" Zoe asked after clearing her throat. The makeup artist nodded, placing all of the brushes on the counter. Each brush looking new.

"Always. It gets annoying, especially since we're on a time limit."

"And do you use new brushes every time?" she said looking at the brushes. The artist chuckled a little bit and shook her head.

"Not usually, but since this is MAMA, we need the idols to look clean and fresh. Here, set these out for me" she handed Zoe and few brushes to open and place on the counter. For a moment, Zoe's mind settled once again and the world seemed quiet.

Meanwhile, Mingyu raced toward the venue, muttering curses under his breath at his alarm clock. He had hit the snooze button at least fifty times, and despite his efforts, he'd never expected to be late today. The MAMA Awards were one of the most prestigious ceremonies, and his group had been nominated for multiple categories.

As the car pulled up, he could feel his heart pounding with urgency. He flung open the door and sprinted toward the entrance, adrenaline surging through him.

Bursting into the venue, he immediately sensed the shift in atmosphere. A few pairs of eyes turned to him, and he caught sight of disappointed frowns among the team members. His heart sank.

"Sorry! Traffic was a nightmare!" he exclaimed, trying to catch his breath.

"We need you in outfit, Mingyu!" someone shouted as soon as the door swung open. He nodded, feeling the familiar rush of adrenaline that accompanied such moments.

As he made his way toward the outfit station, his gaze caught on a girl standing beside the usual makeup artist he worked with. She was a bit taller than the others, her presence commanding yet approachable. Streaks of purple wove through her dark hair, pooling in soft waves at the bottom, giving her an artistic flair that intrigued him.

"Who's that?" he asked curiously. The person he asked looked over to her before back to Mingyu.

"Trainee makeup artist," the guy chuckled, tossing Mingyu a crisp shirt and tailored trousers. "She's working with Minji, so she might actually survive the training program.

Mingyu smirked, appreciating the light-hearted banter. With a quick nod, he headed to the changing room. The custom-made outfit fit him perfectly—an advantage of having the best designers on speed dial. After a few minutes of adjusting and getting comfortable, he stepped out, ready to impress.

The stylists buzzed around him, snapping photos for their portfolios, capturing every angle of the idol in his sleek new look. He smiled for the camera, but his thoughts wandered to the makeup artist he had yet to meet.

Once the shoot was done, he made his way to the hair and makeup station, excitement tingling in his stomach. The atmosphere was charged with creativity, and he could see the energy in the air as artists worked their magic. He wondered what kind of transformation awaited him, and if this trainee would really be able to handle the pressure of working with someone like him.

As he approached the station, he caught a glimpse of a figure hunched over a makeup palette, focused and determined. There was something captivating about her intensity.

"Finally, you're here!" Minji exclaimed, pulling him into the makeup chair and locking eyes with him through the mirror. "We have a trainee artist, and you want to show up late? At MAMA?"

"I know, I know," he replied, raising his hands in mock surrender. It certainly hadn't been one of his finest moments.

Minji's eyes narrowed playfully. "If you had been on time, Zoe here would have had the chance to do your makeup. But since you've waltzed in late, I don't have time to supervise and redo anything. So it's up to you—trust her or risk looking like a disaster."

Mingyu glanced over at Zoe, who was standing off to the side, wide-eyed and caught between excitement and anxiety. He couldn't help but find the situation amusing; this was probably the first time she'd encountered the whirlwind of the industry up close.

He offered her a reassuring smile, trying to ease the tension in the air. "What do you think, Zoe? Do you think you can work your magic on me?"

Zoe's heart raced at the unexpected attention. "I—I'll do my best!" she stammered, determination shining through her nerves. Mingyu could see a flicker of confidence as she stepped forward, ready to dive into the challenge.

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