Day Fourteen, Chapter Thirty, ChooChoo ChiChi

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Pendragon Residence, Woodrow, Northern Territory, Australia

Wednesday, 14/2/2024


ChiChi Pendragon sat in his glorious palace, dining on exquisite dishes. The Dragon Lord had prepared a wide array of succulent meals for ChiChi to consume. Long strings of pasta, platters of nuts and seeds, chunks of sweet chocolate and thin slices of steak. He had also been provided with bowls of lemonade, sweet tea, champagne and a chocolate milkshake. ChiChi squeaked with prideful glee as he devoured his delicious food. Just as his brain was superior, so too was his body. He could eat endlessly and enjoyed every bit of it! Ahh, what a lucky mouse he was. To be favoured by the Dragon Lord, he was truly fortunate. But, his quiet seclusion was broken. Had the Dragon Lord returned? But he said that he would return at night, and it was only afternoon. ChiChi stared through the bars of his palace. Three unfamiliar humans had entered the Dragon Lord's mansion. As the Lord so wisely stated, "Great, an intrusion to my seclusion." Were these perhaps, uninvited guests? One of them sat so uncaringly on the Dragon Lord's furniture. She spoke to the two others. She was speaking strangely. It was English, but spoken in an unusual fashion. She was putting on a high voice and emphasising unusual sounds. Ahh, was this what it was to speak "seductively"? Yes, yes, she was attractive by human standards and she wore little clothing. She was most certainly a lascivious individual. ChiChi made some alterations to Overanalyse's translation parameters. Yes, he had been granted the Dragon Lord's analytical abilities. With the adjustments made, he could now understand the lascivious female's speech.

'This is nice. Seems a waste to destroy it. Oh well.'

Was she perhaps referring to the Dragon Lord's grand mansion? The Dragon Lord had been right, as he always was. Those who acted seductively were nothing but trouble. Well, the Lord had entrusted the kingdom's care to ChiChi, and ChiChi would fulfil his noble duty. He ran to his beloved train. The Dragon Lord had made some modifications to accommodate ChiChi's desires. He had shrunk a device that humans called a "computer" and implemented it into the train's engine. First thing first, ChiChi would frighten his opponents, make them shiver with fear like the royal bodyguard Simula did. With his tiny little fingers, he typed two phrases into the computer. One was onomatopoeic for the sound his train makes. The other was some sort of human warcry. ChiChi clicked an icon marked "Read Aloud".

'Choo choo, motherfuckers!'

The three intrepid intruders turned to look at ChiChi.

'The fuck is that thing?' One of them replied.

The intruders had returned the warcry. They wished for a fight. The fools would regret messing with ChiChi, the Dragon Lord's most favoured being. He hit a button on the engine marked "ON". The great train began to move, chugging along the tracks, building up speed. He whizzed around the house at ten kilometres per hour. A fun speed, yet a paltry one for his purposes. He flicked a few levers, changing the direction of the tracks so that the train would remain in the living room. He tapped a button marked "FC". Flight Controls. The magnificent train began to increase in speed. It was doubling, tripling, quadrupling, quintupling in speed. Its velocity soon reached one hundred kilometres per hour, one point six six repeating kilometres per minute. ChiChi grabbed a lever and pulled.

'Choo choo, motherfuckers!'

The train left the tracks and began to fly. Yes, yes! Glorious flight! ChiChi rammed the solid metal front of the train into the face of one of the intruders, a tall and grim male.


The male collapsed, his head cracked open.

'Shit! Shit! Shit! What the fuck is this?'

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