Ch.3 What was that?

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After school I usually go to my locker and grab everything I need to finish assignments for that night but since it is a weekend I just packed everything into my backpack. Then I went to the restroom. Since it is Friday most of the school races out as soon as the last bell rings. I try to avoid crowds as much as possible so I wait just a little bit after school. I walk out to the parking lot that is behind our school to get to my car, no one is around, then I see Trevor coming towards me! My heart starts pounding again and he offers me a homemade cookie he made in his culinary class!
I take it of course!
"Wow it is so good!" I say mouth full of cookie.
"Thanks it was just for you extra special!" He says in a cute deep voice!
Suddenly I didn't feel good.
"Um I think I need to sit down," I say with the world spinning around me
"Ok whatever you need," Trevor says with a weird smirk on his face.
Wait where is he going!? I need help! And he is just walking away!!
I don't know what is happening, I must be sick or something I can't feel my arms anymore! What's going on!
Black. Everything went black.

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