Ch.4 Why me

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I woke up in a dark room, no windows. It was just light enough to see what was around me. A large table was next to me with all sorts of scary looking contraptions and tools. Where am I? As I look around more I am starting to freak out. I start hyperventilating when I see a mirror wall and I feel someone watching me from the other side. I can't move. I'm tied to the table by my hands, feet, and waist. How did this happen? Am I dreaming? Is this real? Where am I? Questions are flooding my mind.
I hear someone walking towards me. I am laying down on a very uncomfortable table.
"Finally the sedatives wore off." I hear a familiar voice say...
I am stricken with fear and don't dare to say anything.
"Do you know where you are?" He asks
"Um n-no" I mumble
"You are at my laboratory" he says in a deep voice.
Where have I head that voice before?
"Violet you are my test subject." he states so bluntly that it takes a minute to register in my brain. Wait how does he know my name? How does he know me? Who is this???
"I wanted to wait until you were awake to start my project. Just so I have accurate results." He whispers into my right ear so husky and deep it gives me chills.
Trevor. He is Trevor. What the heck, why is Trevor doing this to me?!?!
"Trevor?" I question quietly still scared
"What's going on" I whisper
"You told me you would help with my science project." He replies with the same weird smirk he does. I still have feelings for him even being tied down to this table in a concrete room scared out of my mind! Why? How do I still feel love when all of these other emotions are zooming through my brain?
"You like me don't you Violet?
Oh no, can he tell? Am I smiling with out even knowing?
The words come out of my mouth before I can let them," Ya, I do."
"So you want to help me still?" His deep voice rattles my brain
"Well this is all a little scary but I guess." I say not so scared anymore.
"So what is the project about..."
"SHUT UP, no talking! The project has begun!" He yells so loud it echoes in the room and rings in my ears.
I have never heard him yell like that. I've never seen him angry. What did I say? What did I do? He just burst out screaming all of the sudden. It threw my brain for a loop....
"Here are the rules!!!, he starts yelling again, scaring me,
"1.No talking unless asked to talk!!!
2. No complaining, remember you said you would help.....
3. No fidgeting or trying to get away from me... I know you love me
4. It you cry or scream or yell there will be punishment
5. If you break the rules there will be punishment!!" He sounds like a military Sargent barking orders at me. I am now so scared I'm slightly shaking. I have never seen Trevor this mad before and I don't feel like he is calming down anytime soon! What has gotten into him?

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