The Long Ride Back

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The Hogwarts Express was a far cry from the joyous, bustling train Percy remembered from his first years at school. As he stood on the platform at King's Cross, the usual excitement and chatter were noticeably absent. Instead, the station was eerily quiet, filled with tense families saying quick goodbyes, their eyes darting around nervously, as though expecting Death Eaters to appear at any moment.

Percy stepped onto the train, his duffle bag slung over his shoulder and Riptide tucked safely in his pocket, always ready for whatever danger might arise. The interior of the train, once filled with the warm hum of students reuniting after the summer break, now felt cold and distant. A few students walked past him, their faces pale and drawn, their voices barely above whispers.

He found an empty compartment at the back of the train and sat down, letting out a sigh as he leaned his head against the window. The scenery outside blurred into shades of gray as the train lurched forward, making its way toward Hogwarts. The journey was usually one of his favorite parts of the school year—an opportunity to catch up with friends, share stories, and make plans. But this time, it was different. This time, the looming threat of Voldemort hung over everyone like a storm cloud, and there was no escaping it.

Percy's thoughts drifted to Hermione. He couldn't help but feel the sting of their last conversation still burning in his chest. She had broken up with him, saying it was for the greater good, that they needed to focus on defeating Voldemort without distractions. He understood that—it was logical, sensible even—but that didn't make the pain any less sharp.

It wasn't just losing her; it was the feeling of betrayal all over again. First Annabeth, now Hermione. He had let his guard down, allowed himself to care again, and now he was paying the price. The wounds from Annabeth had barely healed, and now he felt like they were ripped wide open once more.

He clenched his fist, staring out the window as the rain began to fall in streaks, matching his somber mood. Hogwarts had always been his escape, but now it felt more like a prison—the walls closing in, the fear seeping into every crack, every shadow.

A knock on the compartment door startled him from his thoughts. Percy turned to see Ron Weasley peeking in, his expression grim but with a forced smile.

"Mind if I join?" Ron asked, stepping in before Percy could even answer.

"Sure," Percy mumbled, scooting over to make room. Ron tossed his own bag onto the seat and sat down, letting out a long sigh.

"Feels different this year, huh?" Ron said after a moment, glancing around the near-empty train car. "I reckon people are scared to even come back to Hogwarts."

"Yeah," Percy agreed. "With the demigods gone and it feels like the war's already started, and we're just... stuck in the middle."

"Your a demigod yourself"

"Yea but I can't save everyone"

Ron nodded, running a hand through his ginger hair. "It's hard to believe. After last year, it's like everything's spiraled out of control. I heard that the Ministry's trying to cover up some of it, but people know the truth. You can't hide something like Voldemort coming back."

Percy remained silent, staring at his reflection in the window. He hadn't wanted to think about the larger war brewing, but it was impossible to ignore. Even now, with Hogwarts just a few hours away, the future felt uncertain—dangerous.

"Have you talked to Hermione?" Ron asked cautiously, as if testing the waters of the subject.

Percy hesitated, his jaw tightening. "Not really. She, uh... made it pretty clear where we stand."

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