Preparing for the goodbyes

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There was something off. Hermione could sense it. She didn't know , for once , why. She couldn't figure if it was due to Rons new 2 month long mission, that he was leaving on today, or due to her newfound nausea when she ate certain foods, or that her hormones were all over the place, she had mood swings left right and centre, or lastly, if it was because her period was 2 months late. She just couldn't figure it out.

Silently, she clambered out of bed, careful not to wake Ron, he needed all the sleep he could get. Even though he as an incredibly deep sleeper, he could sleep through an earthquake, Hermione still was extremely careful. She removed herself from the room, and headed towards the bathroom. She needed to freshen up so she could make the most of her time with Ron.


As Ron slowly awoke from his slumber, he had the sudden realisation that Hermione wasn't beside him. He panicked. The only reason Hermione would not be by his side when they woke up was when he would be on missions. " Hermione?" He called, his voice thick with sleep.

"Yes baby," Hermione called back in her sexy voice.

" You ok? What are you doing?" Replied Ron.

" This, baby," she purred as she dramatically entered the room.

Practically naked, her hair up in a messy bun, Hermione sexily and slowly model walked over to the bed.

"Heyy," she purred as she sat on Ron, wrapping her legs around his waist.

" You do know, if you want to have sex you only need to say so Hermione," Bluntly replied Ron.

" I know baby, but you are leaving today, and i really want to make it be the best one yet," countered Hermione, suddenly, extremely passionately, kissed Ron. And it went from there.


A little while later, as Ron and Hermione got ready, Hermione, who was applying makeup suddenly spoke, saying, " Ron I know that these next 2 months are going to be extremely difficult for the both of us. So i got us these. Accio scent lockets!" 2 small heart shaped lockets flew towards her. " Basically, you put your scent in one and i keep it, and i put my scent into the other one, but you keep it."

" That is a brilliant idea Mione!" Responded Ron as he kissed her.

"Thanks," replied Hermione, blushing. " so shall we do them now and then we can finish getting you packed?"


"It's Okay, Ron!"


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