Pregnant or Not pregnant, that is the question

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"... It looks like you are pregnant! Congrats! We can see now that you are 3 months pregnant."

"3 months!!!!" Exclaimed Ginny and Hermione in perfect sync.

" How can I be 3 months! My symptoms only just started!" Rushed Hermione, tripping over her words as she rushed to get them out.

Ginny, trying to make light of the situation said, " Hey, at least we know it is Rons kid." This ended in Ginny receiving 2 death glares, one from Parvarti and one from Hermione.

"Right, Hermione, everything looks healthy, so, when would you like your next appointment to be?"

"Um... can it be in 5 weeks so Ron can come?"

"Yes, so, we have an appointment at 11am on the Monday, is that good?"

"Yes thanks, is there anything specific i should do to keep the baby healthy, as I keep vomiting so much i cannot keep anything down longer than 10 minutes.And, are there any foods i should avoid?"

"Hmmm, I do have this potion to help prevent nausea. Basically, take it before breakfast, before lunch an before dinner. It wont fully stop nausea thought, you might still vomit once or twice per day. And as for foods to avoid, they are all in this leaflet here." Parvati handed Hermione a leaflet. " I think that is everything, I need to go, I have an appointment in 10 minutes."

"Ok thank you Parvarti," said Ginny and Hermione said, once again, in sync.

And with that Parvarti left, leaving to two talking girls alone.

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