Saying the goodbyes

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Over an hour later, Hermione and Ron had finished getting ready and now were working on Ron's bag. This mission was going to take 2 months, as they were attempting to catch Dolohov, the man that had killed Lupin, Teddys dad. In Rons duffel bag was going to be : 5 shirts, 3 pairs of trousers,  3 jumpers, a waterproof coat,5 pairs of underwear, a sleeping bag, toiletries. However, in his backpack were going to be more personal things, such as : pictures of Hermione, his scent locket, a spare wand, 2 pens and notepaper so he could write a family and Hermione, 20 galleons so he could pay the owls to take letters to people and some other personal possessions. 

" Right, I think that's good, what do you think Ron?" Questioned Hermione as she zipped up Rons backpack after she double checked it.

"Yep, i think that's everything, Mione," Responded Ron.

Checking her watch, Hermione spoke again, saying, ".Right, it's 12:30 now, and we are meeting your family there at 1, so we have half an hour to eat lunch," then she departed the room, Ron extremely close behind her.


At 12:55, Ron and Hermione apparated to the set off point for the mission, which was a large field, on the outskirts of Kent. The ministry had made it impossible for any muggles to see or access the field, making it safe for all the families to safely apparate there. When Hermione and Ron landed, it became apparent to the couple that they were the first people there. 

"Mione, i think, we are late!" Said Ron, his voice dripping in sarcasm.

"Oh, ha ha, Ron," retorted Hermione , " Well, at least we can have some alone time." And so, until his family arrived, the couple passionately kissed. 


" Oh, Ronald, please be safe, take care of yourself," Worried Mrs Weasley, as she said goodbye to her son.

" Mum, I'll be fine, how many missions have I gone on now,  this will be my 14th!"  

"Ron, don't speak to your mother like that," Said Mr Weasley. " Take care of yourself, be careful, and always be on guard."

"Yes Dad, bye Dad," Responded Ron as he hugged his Father, " Sorry Mum, don't worry Mum, I will be fine Mum, bye mum." Said Ron as he hugged his Mother.

"Bye Ginny take care," Said Ron as he dragged Hermione away so they could have some privacy when they said goodbye. 

"Shhh, Mione, don't cry, I will be fine, like I said to Mum, this is my 14th mission, I will be fine." Softly said Ron as he engulfed Hermione in a Bear hug, lifting her off the floor. 

"I know, but i have a bad feeling about this, Ron," Said Hermione into her husbands chest.

"Mione, you say that every time, and at the end I only come out with some minor injuries, and, whatever happens, I love you more than anything in the world, even more than food," And, Ron saying that he loves anything more than food is a big deal, because he seriously loves his food.

"All Aurors coming on the Dolohov Mission, we are leaving now. I repeat, all Aurors leaving on the Dolohov mission, we leave now." Announced Kingsley.

Hermione and Ron shared one more passionate kiss, then went to collect his bags. 

" Right come on Harry, let's go," said Ron to Harry.

"Ok Ron, one sec. Bye little man," harry said to his 2 year old son, James Sirius Potter, as he scooped him up in a hug for a few seconds," Bye Gin, take care of Hermione and James. Bye Hermione, take care of yourself and Gin for me." he said as he hugged the 2 girls. 

And with that, the boys walked away, waved, then disapparated away, leaving the 2 crying women left alone.

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