CH-6: The Distracted Globe

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The Distracted Globe, a planet in the OASIS that seems to function as a singular massive dance club, famous for its zero-gravity dancing and all-day/night dancing and music.

Outside of the planet, a line of ships were making their way to the planet's surface

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Outside of the planet, a line of ships were making their way to the planet's surface. Among those ships happen to be Luke Skywalker's X-Wing and an Imperial Shuttle from 'Star Wars', the Serenity spaceship from the TV show 'Firefly', one ship from the game 'Homeworld' that looks to be a Vaygr Fighter and possibly a Taiidan Corvette, plus a number of other vessels. Among those happens to be a sleek red rocket with number '3' on it. This is Thunderbird Three, the SSTO rocket of International Rescue, and onboard is none other than Indominus Prime himself.

'Here we go...' Indominus thought to himself.

After he parked up Thunderbird Three and got himself prepped and ready, Indominus made his way into the main club of The Distracted Globe, passing by both Deathstroke and Lady Death as they were leaving, both taking notice of Indominus as he walks in.

The interior is occupied with seating and tables made in custom-design and shape, giving it a sleek shape and design, while also being retro and modern at the same time. Flashing lights are all around, while the main interior seems dark with neon lighting to give the luminous interior more depth and space. The open space at the centre served as the club's zero-gravity "dance floor", which can be reached if an individual jumped "up" from the bar and lounge area and fly/float to the centre.


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'Whoa... That's new.' Indominus thought to himself as he looks about. 'I definitely should consider coming back here if I wish to. Now, where is she?'

Indominus walks over to the main bar, the bartenders having the music group DEVO red energy dome hats on them and the word "DEVO" all across their chests. As he walks along, many avatars take notice of him, some of them even wanting to take their picture with him. "Whoa, dude, is that Indominus? Indominus! Oh, my God, Indominus! Come here, man. Hey, can we get a photo? Thank you so much! Dude, you're my hero!"

Indominus waved to them as he walks along, unaware of someone taking his picture and sending it off via message to someone else. That person began to walk off, only for them to run into Lupin, who had his arms crossed and shook his head at said avatar before he grabbed them and dragged them away.

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