Maniuplation: part 4 (trust and dinner)

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Thea sat with her parents at the dinner table, the clinking of plates and light-hearted conversation filling the room. Her father, Josh, threw a playful jab at Thea about her ever-growing pile of fashion sketches, which earned a soft chuckle from her mother, Cecelia.

"The girl's going to bury us in fabric one of these days," Josh teased.

Cecelia smirked, adding, "At least we'll have options if we ever need new curtains."

Thea rolled her eyes with a small smile, feeling a sense of warmth in their banter. The comfort was fleeting, though, as the conversation turned more serious when Josh mentioned Yaroslav's offer.

"He wanted to arrange for Thea to stay in one of his properties while her dorm situation is figured out," Josh said.

Cecelia's response was immediate and firm. "Absolutely not."

Josh nodded. "I didn't agree either, for obvious reasons. He may have been there for Thea when she needed help, but I still don't trust him. Her comfort comes first."

As they continued brainstorming ideas about Thea's dorm, a sudden change in tone caught their attention from the TV. The volume turned up, the family's focus shifted. On the screen stood Yaroslav, flanked by police officers.

The news anchor spoke in a tone of admiration. "Yaroslav Zolnerowich, a reclusive billionaire, is once again credited for aiding the police in a large-scale human trafficking bust. Using his vast resources, Yaroslav helped authorities rescue over 50 girls today, adding to his efforts over the last three years that have saved more than a thousand lives."

The camera panned to Yaroslav, standing tall in front of the press. He seemed humble despite his commanding presence.

In a composed but heartfelt tone, Yaroslav addressed the crowd. "These girls are the real heroes. Their strength and courage to survive and face a new world, despite unimaginable horrors, is inspiring. I simply did what any human should do—ensure that no one else endures what they did. This is not about me, but about justice, and restoring their stolen dignity."

As the room fell silent, Josh and Cecelia exchanged guilty looks. They had been quick to judge Yaroslav, unaware of his work behind the scenes. Cecelia sighed softly, her earlier distrust wavering.

"I... didn't know," she whispered, her tone heavy with regret.

Josh nodded, still staring at the screen. "Maybe we misjudged him. He seems to be doing real good in this world."

Thea felt a surge of pride, her heart doing somersaults as she watched Yaroslav standing confidently in his tailored three-piece suit. He looked even more dashing under the camera's spotlight, his subtle strength only amplifying his presence. His actions touched her deeply, and for a moment, she couldn't help but admire the man who had saved so many lives—looking more heroic and manly than ever before.

 His actions touched her deeply, and for a moment, she couldn't help but admire the man who had saved so many lives—looking more heroic and manly than ever before

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