Maniuplation: part 11 (college)

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The boys for two weeks made sure to be extra careful with Thea, they secretly made a diet plan and made sure she eats everything. The two weeks were nothing but blissful for her, but her parents on the other hand were scared when they heard about what happened, Thea reassured them that it was nothing major and that she was crying because she missed them. Her dad worried the most assured her that things were working here great with the visa and they might get confirmation by the end of the week hopefully.

Now the major problem in hand was college, new place new people with unknown faces she was scared, her anxiety would never let her talk to anyone, mostly Ava did all the friends talk so without her it Thea was a total mess, she needed her best friend but she also did not want to disturb her during her practical that would be starting soon.

So as Thea sat on the couch, her heart fluttered with a mix of excitement and anxiety about starting college the next day. Yaroslav, noticing her fidgeting, leaned closer and said, "Hey, Thea, remember what we talked about? Just think of college as a new adventure—like a video game, but with slightly more homework."

The twins chimed in, their expressions serious yet playful. "Yeah! And if anyone gives you trouble, just call us. We'll come running—just like superheroes, but with less spandex," one of them joked, making the others laugh. Thea couldn't help but smile at their antics, her worries momentarily forgotten.

"Seriously, Thea," Yaroslav continued, "if anyone bothers you, just say the word. We'll make sure they regret ever messing with you. You can leave the 'suspensions' to us." He mimicked a stern principal voice, which made Thea giggle.

"Thanks, guys. It really means a lot," she said, her voice softer now. "I just don't want to let anyone down. What if I trip on the first day or forget my locker combination?"

"First of all, if you trip, we'll just call it a dramatic entrance," Dimitri quipped. "And if you forget your combination, we'll put our detective skills to work. We'll find that locker like it's a treasure hunt." The twins suggested.

As the night went on, the group shared stories and jokes, creating a bubble of support around Thea. "You know, if college is anything like high school, you'll be the most popular person on campus in no time," one of the twins teased. "Just be yourself, and remember: no one can resist your charm—especially with that cute smile."

Later that night, as Thea prepared for bed, she received a call from her parents. "Hey, sweetheart! We just wanted to remind you that we believe in you. College is going to be amazing, and if you ever feel overwhelmed, just remember we're just a phone call away."

"Thanks, Mom. I'll be okay, I promise," Thea replied, feeling a warmth from their reassurance. After hanging up, she felt a renewed sense of confidence, buoyed by the love and support of her friends and family.

With her heart a little lighter, Thea whispered to herself, "Okay, Thea. You got this." As she drifted off to sleep, she knew that with her team by her side, she was ready to face whatever tomorrow would bring.

When Thea woke up, the sunlight streamed through her window, illuminating her room with a warm glow. She took a deep breath, looked in the mirror, and gave herself a little pep talk. "Okay, Thea. You're going to rock this. Just be yourself, and remember, you have an amazing support team. You've got this!"

Feeling a bit more confident, she got dressed and made her way downstairs. As she entered the kitchen, the mouthwatering aroma of her favorite red sauce pasta greeted her. Her heart swelled with warmth as she saw the spread laid out on the table.

"Good morning, superstar!" Yaroslav called out, grinning from ear to ear. The twins were already digging into their plates, and Dimitri raised his fork in a mock toast. "To our brave warrior embarking on her college quest!"

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