Stalking: part 6 (the text)

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Thea sat in her small, brightly lit workspace, surrounded by fabric swatches, sketches, and unfinished designs. The hum of her sewing machine filled the room as her hands moved deftly over the delicate fabric she was stitching. Her focus was sharp—every detail mattered. Fashion was her escape, her way of reclaiming control after everything that had happened. She had come so far since those dark days, but her dream of becoming a fashion designer was the only thing that kept her grounded.

Her assignment for college was due in two days—a tailored jacket with intricate embroidery. She was determined to perfect every stitch, pushing herself even as her eyes strained from hours of work. This was her passion, her future. She wasn't going to let anything get in the way.

The sound of her phone buzzing on the table snapped her out of her focused rhythm. Frowning, she picked it up. It was a message from an unknown number.


Her stomach twisted uncomfortably. The simplicity of the message felt wrong. She stared at the screen, her mind racing. Who could it be? Her thumb hovered over the phone, her chest tightening. Who would text her like that?

Another buzz.

"Do you remember me?"

Her pulse quickened. The words sent a chill through her, creeping into her bones. She swallowed, her hands trembling slightly as she set the phone down. It couldn't be... No, she told herself, it couldn't be someone from back then. She had escaped that life. But the sudden feeling of vulnerability, the sense of being watched, started to crawl over her skin.

Her breathing grew shallow, her thoughts spiraling. She tried to focus on the task at hand, forcing herself to concentrate on the stitching, but her hands wouldn't stop shaking. The memories began to resurface—dark, suffocating memories she'd tried to bury.

Thea's heart began to race, her breaths coming faster and faster. Calm down, it's just a random text, she tried to tell herself. But the fear gnawed at her, irrational and overwhelming. She stood up abruptly, the room spinning slightly as she clutched her chest. The pounding of her heart was too loud, too erratic.

She tried to steady her breath, but it was too late. A full-blown panic attack seized her. She stumbled back, her vision blurring as her lungs fought for air, and suddenly, the familiar ache in her chest turned sharp and unbearable.

No, not now... please, not now...

Thea's heart, already fragile, started to fail under the strain. Pain surged through her chest, radiating outwards, stealing the air from her lungs. She collapsed onto the floor, clutching at her chest as she gasped for breath, her vision fading in and out. Her world began to narrow, the edges of her sight growing darker.

The phone buzzed again, the screen flashing with another message.

"Don't worry, you'll see me soon."

But Thea couldn't see the words. Everything went dark as the pain overtook her, her body succumbing to the attack that gripped her fragile heart.

 Everything went dark as the pain overtook her, her body succumbing to the attack that gripped her fragile heart

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Thea's parents were downstairs when they heard the sudden crash. Her mother, mid-sentence, froze, eyes wide with alarm as the noise echoed from upstairs.

"That came from Thea's room," her father, Josh, said, already moving toward the stairs. His heart pounded in his chest, a gut-wrenching fear clawing at him. Thea's mother, Cecelia, followed, panic rising in her throat as they sprinted down the hall.

"Thea!" Cecelia called out, but there was no response. She pushed open the door, and the sight in front of her made her heart stop. Thea was lying on the floor, unconscious, her body crumpled against the sewing machine. Her phone lay nearby, the screen flashing from an unread message.

Cecelia let out a strangled cry, rushing to her daughter's side. "Josh, call an ambulance!" she yelled, her voice breaking as she knelt down beside Thea, frantically checking for a pulse.

Josh fumbled with his phone, his hands shaking. "She's still breathing!" Cecelia cried, her relief short-lived as she saw the pained expression etched on Thea's pale face.

Within minutes, the paramedics arrived, and the house was filled with the chaotic sound of rushing footsteps, medical jargon, and the blaring siren as they loaded Thea into the ambulance. Her parents followed, gripping each other's hands, terrified of what might happen next.

At the hospital, time seemed to stretch endlessly. Thea's parents paced the waiting room, their anxiety palpable. When the doctor finally emerged, his expression serious, Cecelia felt her knees weaken.

"She's stable now," the doctor said. "But it was a heart attack. Given her condition, we'll need to monitor her closely, especially after such a severe episode."

Cecelia let out a sob of relief, but it was quickly overshadowed by fear. "Can we see her?" Josh asked, his voice hoarse.

The doctor nodded. "She's still weak, but you can go in for a few minutes."

When they entered the room, Thea was lying in bed, her face pale, her eyes fluttering open. "Mom... Dad..." she whispered, her voice strained.

"We're here, sweetheart," Cecelia said, brushing Thea's hair back gently, tears streaming down her cheeks.

"I... I got these texts," Thea muttered, struggling to lift her phone. Her parents exchanged worried looks as Thea continued, "I didn't know who it was, but it scared me. I thought... I thought it was someone from before."

Josh clenched his fists, anger flaring up as he took the phone from Thea's trembling hand. The messages were cryptic, vague, but the fear they instilled was evident. "This... this is harassment. Whoever this is, we need to find them," Josh said, his voice tight with rage.

"We can't stay here," Cecelia said suddenly, her voice shaky. "Not after this. It's too dangerous. Maybe... maybe we should go to Russia, to your parents' old place. It's far away. No one will know we're there."

Josh hesitated, then nodded slowly. "It's the best option right now. We'll leave as soon as Thea is strong enough."

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