Chapter 26:

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As we pulled away from the beach, the comforting silence in the car was interrupted by the first heavy drops of rain splattering against the windshield. I stared out into the darkening sky, watching the raindrops race each other down the glass. I didn't want the night to end-not yet. The connection I felt with Aiden was still so new, so fragile, and I was afraid to let it slip away.

Suddenly, Aiden's voice broke through my thoughts. "Looks like it's really coming down out there. Do you want to grab a movie until the rain lets up?"

I turned to him, surprised by the invitation. "You mean at your place?"

"Yeah. We can watch a couple of movies. I promise to pick the best ones," he said, his smile warm and inviting.

I hesitated, glancing at the pouring rain. "Alright ?"

He grinned and turned the car around, heading toward the DVD store. The drive was filled with easy conversation and laughter, my nerves easing with each passing moment. We browsed through the aisles of cozy movies, picking out a few classics. The air was thick with the scent of popcorn from the nearby concession stand, making my stomach rumble in anticipation. We got some popcorn and headed to his car.

"Mummm I'm home " Auden called out once we entered his home and I was glad to know we weren't alone.

When we finally got back to his place, the rain pounded against the roof, creating a soothing backdrop to our evening. We settled into the living room, the lights dimmed, and I couldn't help but feel a sense of relief wash over me. This felt good.

As the movie began, we fell into a playful banter about the plot. Laughter filled the room as we teased each other over the ridiculousness of some of the scenes. Aiden's easy-going nature made it feel like we had known each other for years. When the credits rolled and the laughter faded, we selected another movie to watch.

"It's still pouring," I said, glancing out the window at the relentless downpour. "What am I supposed to do if it doesn't let up?"

Aiden shifted, his expression turning serious. "If you'd like, you could stay here for the night. It might be easier than heading out in this weather."

I hesitated, a mix of anxiety and desire churning in my stomach. Aiden continued, sensing my apprehension. "You can have my room, and I'll sleep on the couch downstairs. You'll be safe here."

I swallowed hard, knowing I wanted to say yes, but still battling the wall I had built around myself. Finally, I nodded, a quiet "Okay" escaping my lips.

"Great!" Aiden's smile returned, and I couldn't help but mirror it as we made our way upstairs. He handed me a set of his spare clothes before I stepped into the bathroom to change.

Once I emerged, wearing his oversized T-shirt, I felt a rush of warmth and something else-comfort. Aiden was sitting on the couch, and when he looked up, his breath caught in his throat.

"You look good in my clothes," he said, his voice low and sincere.

I felt heat rise in my cheeks and tugged at the hem of the shirt shyly. "Thanks."

I climbed into bed, feeling a strange sense of peace wash over me.

Before Aiden could leave, I found myself asking, 'Would you mind staying with me until I drift off?'"

He hesitated but then nodded. "Of course."

I settled into the pillows, the softness enveloping me as Aiden adjusted them for comfort. As I slowly drifted off, I felt him brush his fingers against my cheek, a gentle touch that lingered longer than it should have.

As he started to leave, I mumbled in my sleep, 'Please don't let him get me,' the words slipping out as I faded into deeper sleep."

Aiden paused, his fingers still in my grasp, but I couldn't see the worry in his eyes as I surrendered to the darkness.


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