Part 7

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You woke up early the next day and rolled over only to see Sahed, still asleep right next to you. For about a half a second you panicked to remember why exactly he was there. You quickly remembered that he was just being dramatic and you had decided to put up with it. You looked at him for a moment and sighed quietly, now way you actually had feelings for this guy...

Sure he was good looking and you guys were together constantly now and you lived together but it couldn't really be that you liked him... right? 

You shook your head and got up, sneaking around him to get up without waking him. You got ready in the bathroom today since he was in your usual area and headed out to see what plan was for today. You knew it was set up day, but found out that the circus wouldn't arrive in town until the afternoon so you guys practiced again in the morning once he woke up, then when the circus got to town it was time to set everything up. 

Crates were hauled out and the tent was set up, then all of the food stands, rides and smaller tents. After a few hours everything was mostly ready and Tonny said everyone could go in to town. 

You, Sahed, Kamille, Rainah, Julia, and Tonny all ended up going together at first. It was weird to have Tonny along with the group because he usually was too busy to go with to things but Julia had convinced him to tag along this time.

 In the end those two ended up going to a restaurant together, then Kamille and Rainah wanted to go to a dress shop to try things on and you two weren't interested so it ended up just being you and Sahed exploring the town on your own, you both just went around a looked at random stores and bought snacks at food carts in the street until the sun was starting to set. 

You guys were walking back quietly, enjoying how pretty the town was and how nice it still was outside until some of the soldier/police people started to come out, probably just because the circus was there. 

"cops cops cops cops!" Sahed whisper-shouted, grabbing your hand and running between some buildings, you were really caught off gaurd by the whole thing 

"Why are we running from the police?" You whisper-shouted once you were out of sight in an alley. 

He just pointed to his forehead, where his hair was currently hiding his 3rd eye 

"Oh right duh" you felt dumb for asking. You leaned over a little bit to see if they were still coming your way but it looked like they were turning elsewhere. 

"They're going a different way" you told Sahed quietly 

"O-oh ok" You looked at his face and he was blushing again and he seemed kind of nervous 

"It's fine they're not gonna get you" you reassured him 

"T-thanks but it's uh... not about that" he looked away as he said the last part 

"Huh??" You were confused what he meant by that 

"We're kinda..." He trailed off and you realized that you were literally chest to chest at the moment, he was leaning against the wall and you had been holding onto his shoulders. 

"Ahahaha oooh" you laughed nervously at the current situation. Neither of you moved, you just sort of stared at each other for a couple seconds, then he leaned in a little and without really thinking, you did the same. 

You guys kissed. 

'What??? No way that just happened, wait so he does like me?? What do I say???" Your mind was reeling but the only thing you said was "" 

"Uh.... Sorry." He put a hand over his face 

"N-no don't apologize" you said quickly 'um? What the hell was that? 'Um?' I fucked up. Shoulda said literally anything else' you were mentally kicking yourself at the moment for not coming up with something else to say. 

"We should probably go now" he pulled you from your thoughts. 

"...yeah" you said quietly. The walk back was awkward as all hell because neither of you knew what to say 'he kissed me... I kissed him back... do I like him? obviously I like him...Does he really like me? What do I say??' You thought as you walked back in silence. 

You guys made it back to the circus and your friends waved at you guys 

"I'm just gonna go" he pointed in the direction of your room 

"Oh ok... goodnight" you said, unsure how to fix this 

"Goodnight" he said before walking away. You made your way over to your friends 

"Heyyyyyy how are youuuu???" Kamille asked, obviously a little drunk 

"Um, I'm good. How are you??" You asked, amused by how she said it 

"Greatttt" she grinned at you 

"Lovely" you chuckled, trying to ignore that fact that you were absolutely dying inside at the moment 

"Kamille decided to have a drink" Rainah explained 

"I see that, yes" you could tell right away 

"And we went out to dinner" Julia added, smiling at Tonny. 'Aah yes, the two happy couples, good for them' you thought sarcastically, then realized that you were slightly jealous at the moment. 

"That's nice" you smiled back at her, you were happy for your friends after all. 

"Where'd Sahed go??" Rainah finally asked, you'd been hoping nobody would ask about him right now but of course it was inevitable 

"He was...tired...or something I don't know. He already went to bed" you told her 

"Typical" she rolled her eyes, 

"Couldn't even come say hi" chuckled. 

"Well we're gonna head up too, this one needs to sleep this off" she pointed to Kamille 

"Not a bad idea, big day tomorrow. We're going to go too" Tonny said 

"Alright cool, cya tomorrow everyone" you waved as they walked to their rooms. You headed to your own room and hoped that Sahed would already be asleep so you wouldn't have to deal with whatever was going on right now. 

That would be an issue for tomorrow.

 Luckily he was in fact asleep so you were able to get to bed quietly.

Sahed x reader (from Marionetta Webtoon) (gender neutral reader)Where stories live. Discover now