19-The Fight

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{Y/N's POV}

It was noon, today was supposed to be the day Ashton and I spent together, but Ashton apparently had interviews all day. I watched T.V for as long as I could handle, but the news was just terrible as usual, there were a few things about the 5SOS homecoming but there then that nothing interesting. I looked down at my phone to see if there was anything from Ashton, but there wasn't anything. So I decided to text one of my best friends, Caroline. She replied in just a few seconds, telling me to get my ass to her house. I laughed, then locked up the apartment and headed out.

When I pulled into her driveway, I jumped out of my car and locking it as I ran up to the door, I didn't even bother knocking I just ran inside.

"I'M HOME!" I screamed into the seemingly empty house, Caroline came bounding down the steps, before anyone could say anything she had tackled me to the ground in a hug. Then she obsessively started kissing my cheeks leaving her black lipstick stains all over my face. We just laid there on the ground laughing.

 We just laid there on the ground laughing

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"Okay, Okay, get off, I can't breathe. Your elbow is impaling my side," I whimpered. She giggled and pulled herself off of me, then she offered me a hand to help me up.

"Okay so now tell me about the tour!" she shrieked.

"It was great," I said trying my best to smile, she gave me a crooked frown.

"What happened?" she sighed.

"Nothing, I mean Ashton and I had planned on spending today together, but now since we came back so late he and the boys have interviews and all this shit to do. I haven't heard from Ashton all day so I don't even know if we are going to have dinner together," I ranted, she wrapped me in a much gentler hug.

"Baby, I'm sorry. I know its rough, but look at the bright side you are both at home, and you are in the same country," she replied, then let go of me and we walked over to the couch, but she grabbed two cups of tea from the kitchen first.

"Yeah, you are right. It's just I was really looking forward to spending some time with him when we got home, but now it feels like he might as well be halfway across the world. I mean I know what is going to happen. He is going to be doing interviews and songwriting all day for months at a time, then he is going to go to L.A. for songwriting, then they will go on another tour. I mean, I really just want one full day where Ashton doesn't have to be anywhere but with me, and I know that is selfish and shit. He keeps saying that we are going to have a whole day to ourselves but then something comes up and off he goes. UGH! IT JUST REALLY PISSES ME OFF," I ranted on.

"Love, maybe you should be telling him this shit. I mean he is the only one that can do anything to change it, and him not knowing this isn't going to change anything," Caroline said, she was using her calm voice, as she rubbed my back. Trying to calm me down. "But it is 12:45 right now, and there is a mall that is calling my name," I looked down at what I was wearing.

"And I'm going to need to raid your closet because I'm wearing sweatpants," I said before running upstairs her chasing after me.

Caroline and I bought clothes from our usual favorite shops, then we headed over to Victoria Secret most of Caroline's comments where somewhere along the line of "Shit, Ashton would get a boner just thinking about you in that" but what she didn't know was me and Ash had never had sex before, it wasn't because we didn't want to, or that we were both virgins (because we weren't) or anything like that, it was just that me and him had never had that moment.

Around 5:00 I got a text from Ashton saying he would be home around 7. Early enough for a late dinner. So I headed home from Caroline's. It was about a 30 minutes drive so, when l got home I started to make dinner, I didn't really even want to make dinner, but I went with pasta because I know Ashton likes it and that's all I can really make. I looked at the clock it was just after 6:30 Ashton should be getting home soon. Just then I heard the door unlock. 

"Hey! babe," I called out when I heard the door shut again. I heard Ashton mumble profanities as he walked into the kitchen, I didn't worry and I tried to keep my mood up. "Is something wrong?" I said furrowing my brows

"Of course something is wrong!" Ashton half yelled looking up at me.

"What is it? Do you wanna talk about it? I made dinner." I rambled walking towards him.

"No! Why do you even care!" Ashton shot back.

"Ashton, please just calm down, talk to me, what happened?"

"NO! Y/N DAMN IT! Just leave me alone!!" Ashton yelled, Ashton and I had fought before, but he had never fought back like this. I furrowed my brows straightening my lips.

"What the hell Ashton? What is wrong with you? Why are you being such a f**king ass hole?" I yelled back not really meaning to yell.

"F**king hell! I told you to leave me the f**k alone!"

At this point, I really lost it. "You know what Ashton, I'm done with your shit! You said that today would be our day, but yet again I wake up to a fucking note! Then you come home and yell at me? If you want me to leave then fine! Have fun being alone! I trusted you, Ashton! I let you in! You are an asshole! I trusted you, Ashton! I f**king trusted you!! I stood up for you!! And you let me down! You are f**king ass hole!! Don't you dare talk to me," I screamed, tears rushed down my face, I couldn't hold them back, I ran into our room, I grabbed one of my duffle bags that I had on tour, then I walk out of our apartment pushing past Ashton. 

"Y/N! Wait!" I felt him grab my arm, "please, I'm sorry." I shook my head and pulled away from him. "Where are you going" Ashton called as I reached the door.

"Away," then I slammed the door shut, I ran out of the building, I heard the clicks of a camera. Paparazzi. Shit. I hurried over to my car, throwing my bag in the back, before driving off. There was only one place I could go.


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