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You and Luke sat there cuddling, listening to music. You both liked the same bands, you prefer My Chemical Romance over Foo Fighters, but you still like the Foo Fighters. You woke up the next morning, still in the same place. You figured that you and Luke had fallen asleep like that. You sat up and looked around. Ashton was in the other bed, you took out your earbud and got out of bed. You walked over and snuggled into Ashton. You faced away from him, you felt him pull you closer and he placed his head in the crook of your neck. His warm breathe felt soothing on your neck. You never wanted this moment to end. You fell asleep again, next time you woke up, Ashton was gone. You turned on your phone and saw a text from Ashton
A: hey baby! Me and Luke went out to grab food. Mikey and cal r in their room
U: Kk I'll be in their room :)

You get up and change clothes, putting on black skinny jeans, and a band tee, you don't bother to put on shoes. You text Calum and tell him your coming over. You knocked on the door and cal opened it 

"Damn, I thought you were Luke and Ashton, I'm hun..." 

"When are they getting back?" Micheal asks cutting Calum off. 

"I don't know," you say shrugging. 

"Did you guys have a good time last night?"

"Yeah I guess so," Cal said.

"Do you even remember last night?"

"Yeah, most of it," Calum said laughing a little. 

"What did you and Luke do?" 

"Watched movies, I guess, I don't really remember," I said mockingly.

"Haha. Very funny," Calum said flatly.

"Okay, okay, we listened to music, and talked about stuff."

"It sounds boring when you put it like that," Luke said from behind you. 

"FINALLY FOOOODDDD!" Michael said jumping up, and running over to grab the boxes from Luke and Ashton. You giggled a little bit.

"Oh yeah, I left out the part with drugs and alcohol," You said smiling.

"Yeah, right," Ashton said. 

"So what did you guys get?" 

"Nando's," Luke said smiling. The 5 of you sat there eating food, but Luke seemed more interested in texting someone.

"So who's Luke texting?" You say nudging him.


"Who ya texting?"

"Oh, uh, just a friend," he said blushing a little. I raised my eyebrow a little.

"Really?" I hoped he didn't hear the excitement in my voice. "Friend zoned?" You say frowning. 

"Yep," Michael said. "She is a babe though."

"Yeah total babe, her legs are really long though," Calum chimes in, in between bites

"What's wrong with long legs?" Ashton said.

"Wait am I the only one who does know about her?"

"Yeah." They all say together.

"Tell me now."

"No," Luke said. 

"pleeaaassssseeeee!" you beg. "Who am I gonna tell?? I'm stuck with you four for the next 3 months."

"No way, you don't even know her," Luke said, you knew he wasn't gonna budge, none of them were going to.

"It doesn't matter anyway, she's got Luke laying flat on his back in the friend zone," Calum giggled.

"Heyyy not like you haven't been there before!" Luke yelled.

"No Calum is usually the one on top," Michael smirked.

"Okay, I didn't need to know that," you say.

 "Why do you have such a dirty mind?!?" Luke half yelled

"What Michael is the one that started it!"

"OH YEAH BLAME ME" Michael yelled. 

"Micheal you are yeLLING!" Ashton said, he sounded a little annoyed, but then Luke started giggling and before you realized it everyone in the room, including you, was laughing.

I'm (not) SorryWhere stories live. Discover now