Capitulo 2

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Life wasn’t always fair.
For reasons known to all, Sasuke learned that lesson early on in his years on this planet.
Still, he’d persevered. There’d been bumps here and there, yet the Sasuke of today was a far cry from the self-proclaimed avenger of old.
Hell, from the way he lived his life, most would probably think that he’d moved on from his old life entirely. He spent his days fucking five women on the regular; his new family kept his hands busy, and though it was an eccentric family built on lust more than anything, it was a family nonetheless.
That was his old world.
Now he was in a brand new one.
From a single photograph, Sasuke had come to realize that things in this world were very, very different. People that were decades deceased in his home dimension were alive and well in this one.
He didn’t know what to make of that. He didn’t want to even think about it.
Twenty years ago, the mere prospect of being able to see his mother in the flesh or to feel his brother’s embrace once more would have sent him into a tailspin.
Now, things were different. They would always be a part of him, but he could go weeks or even months without thinking of them.
What would he do if he saw them? What could he possibly say?
One day, he would have to cross that road.
For now..
He could busy himself with his personal projects in this brand new world.
And try his best not to think about the past.

Menma’s Fetish
Chapter II — Let’s Make A Deal
Sasuke went his usual training grounds.
Or, at least in his ordinary world, these were where his training grounds were. The other Sasuke could very well conduct his business halfway across the village. How would he know?
His mind was focused on more important things, anyway.
If Menma came through on his end of the bargain, and if Kushina were to act as he anticipated, then things would begin to spice up sooner rather than later. If Kushina were going to seek him out, it’d be here, out in the open, where nobody could listen in or interfere.
In the meantime, he could test out his strength in this new body of his.
The results were acceptable.
Sure, his Rinnegan was gone. WIth it, most of his top-tier jutsu had vanished as well. Yet, he still had a tremendous arsenal to fall back on, with his Eternal Mangeykou Sharingan fully operational and his chakra reserves bountiful in order to make good use of it. His body was youthful, well trained, and fit.
Was he at the epitome of his power, akin to the version of himself who’d done battle against Naruto at the climax of the Fourth Shinobi War? Of course not.
Yet, all it took was a swat of his Susano’o to leave a row of trees flattened. A fully charged Chidori tore a large boulder into pebbles that showered the surrounding area.
Sasuke couldn’t anticipate many threats that would actually pose a challenge to him in this world.
If the Akatsuki were a threat in this world—and that was a big if, considering the Fourth Hokage was still kicking—then he would make mince meat of them.
With his power gauge done, he opted to move onto something else.
He decided to meditate. It was a habit he'd picked up during his time with Orochimaru. In combat, either your mind to be clear, or you had to rely on raw passion—trying to strive a middle ground was fruitless. Sasuke tended to bounce from one end to the other, but he couldn't deny the cleansing feeling after a good long while spent meditating under a warm, clear sky.
Ten minutes until his session, he felt a spark in the air. His eyes opened for a moment—in the distance he could see a figure with crimson hair striding toward him.
‘It's show time.’
Sasuke breathed deep, then closed his eyes once again.
Her footsteps reached his ears as she grew close. She came to a stop, only about three or four meters opposite of him.
A pause.
“What are you doing, Sasuke?” she murmured.
“I’m meditating,” he said.
It occurred to him that perhaps their iteration of Sasuke may not be the meditation type.
If he was to be caught, it would be the little things that did him in. Sasuke had to be mindful of that—he may be Sasuke, but they surely were more differences he would unbeknownst to.
“What brings you here, Kushina?” he asked, before she could inquire any further.
She visibly hesitated, clutching at the hem of her pretty blue dress. Her cleavage was on full display and her hair was done up—ruby red lipstick complimented her perfect face. Clearly, she was here to seduce. Yet going somewhere with the intent of seduction was wholly different from actually going through with it.
As she grew close, he heard her footsteps. Kushina came to a stop perhaps three or four meters away from him.
"What are you doing?" she asked.
Suddenly, it occurred to him that their Sasuke might not be the type to meditate.
Still, he couldn't exactly play dumb.
"I'm meditating," said Sasuke. "What brings you here, Kushina?"
He dared not open his eyes; he held the power now. If he was going to keep it, he'd have to play this methodically.
"I—" She hesitated.
Sasuke exhaled. "Sit with me," he said.
She did just that, taking point across from him. The two sat in silent a minute, as birds chirped in the distance and the nearby stream ebbed and flowed.
Kushina began talking, playing with the hem of her dress as she did so.
“When Naruko and I intruded on you earlier, well—” She gulped. “I have to admit, I got a rather good look at your…equipment.”
“That you did,” said Sasuke. “I take it you were impressed, then?”
“Impressed?” She actually laughed at that. “Sasuke, I don’t—” Kushina took a deep breath. “I don’t know how knowledgeable you are, but my goodness, your cock is utterly…unbelievably…it was…it is such a beautiful goddamn thing.”
“I appreciate that,” Sasuke said, unable to help his smile. “If you’re trying to apologize for walking in on me, you’re doing a very bad job of it.”
She laughed again.
“Sasuke, there’s something that’s been going on for a while. I think-I think I’ve been going about it the wrong way.” She made eye contact with him, and those amethyst pupils glow like gems in the light. “I want you.”
“You want me?”
He exhaled, pretending to seem conflicted about it.
“You’re…extraordinarily beautiful, Kushina. But aren’t you a married woman? What would Minato think?” Sasuke said. “With a snap of his fingers, he could—” Snap. He clicked his own fingers for emphasis.
Sasuke knew it wasn’t true in practice, but he doubted the Sasuke that Kushina knew would be capable of taking on the Fourth Hokage.
She turned a deep pink, bordering on the same shade of red as her hair.
“Minato is-” She bit her lip. “Well, um-Minato is actually…okay with it. More then that. He wants it to happen. Maybe he’d even…uh…maybe he’d even want to watch, if that’s okay with you.”
"I see."
He studied her reaction.
To his surprise, she seemed somewhat hurt by his calmness.
“Do-do you not want to sleep with me?” Her voice cracked somewhat, and she tugged at the collar of her dress. “I mean- I thought- Minato said you’d called me—”
"Of course I want to sleep with you."
The sudden shift was incredible, because her words stopped halfway and instead a broad grin blossomed on her beautiful face.
She pinched her arm, looked this way and that, then exhaled deeply.
“Wow,” Kushina breathed. “I was not expecting it to be this easy.”
“How were you expecting it to go?” Sasuke asked, his curiosity getting the better of him.
She gave him a smile.
“Part of me was worried that you’d flat out reject me. The other half of me thought you’d play dumb as you’ve been doing with Naruko. I honestly can’t see a scenario where you said yes, but Menma—” She paused. “I’m just glad it worked out,” she said quickly, and awkwardly, in an attempt to cover up her slip-up.
“Speaking of Naruko…”
“What about her?” Kushina blinked, her head tilted to the side.
“I can’t pretend like she isn’t—well, you know,” Sasuke said. “If I sleep with you and she finds out, what am I supposed to say?” He hesitated, before adding, “What if I want to pursue something with her?”
“I think we could make a deal,” said Kushina, smiling.
“What do you propose?”
“Minato has always been a little testy when it comes to the idea of you dating our daughter,” she murmured.
Sasuke raised an eyebrow.
“He’s okay with me fucking his wife, but dating his daughter is where he draws the line?”
Kushina let out a nervous sort of giggle.
“I never said it was rational,” she said. “Personally, I always thought you’d be a good fit for Naruko…but, well, the second she hit puberty, Minato’s played the overprotective dad role times a thousand. You should have seen what happened when Kiba asked her out—that poor boy still hasn’t spoken a word to her since.”
“Alright…what’s your idea, then?”
“Well, Minato has some caveats about this whole arrangement. This pussy doesn’t come for free,” she said coyly, shifting slightly in front of him.
‘Here it comes,’ Sasuke thought.
“I’m listening,” he said.
“Well, the thing is—and maybe it went over your head—but he wants to watch.”
Sasuke tried to feign surprise.
“I thought you were being coy about that,” said Sasuke. “I didn’t think you were serious. The Hokage wants to watch me fuck his wife?”
She nodded, as if that were the most ordinary thing in the world.
“We tried experimenting with shadow clones, but it just wasn’t the same,” the redhead told him. “There’s been a few candidates over the years, but none of them ever got to the point where they heard about Minato’s little secret…except you,” she added, smiling. “About a year ago we just decided that—well, you were perfect.”
“Why am I perfect?” Sasuke asked. “Not that I’m complaining, but it’s not as if you knew how endowed I was until earlier today.”
Kushina found herself grinning.
“Well, all the reasons he doesn’t want you to date our daughter, ironically, make you perfect to act out his little fantasy,” said Kushina. She winked at him, amethyst eyes twinkling. “Honestly, I figured that you and Naruko would shack up eventually either way, so I never pushed the issue with him, but, as part of our arrangement…I could definitely talk him into giving his approval for you and Naruko.”
“And you think Naruko will be alright sharing me with you?”
The answer was yes, obviously, but he was curious as to why Kushina thought so.
Kushina giggled.
“Well…I don’t mean to inflate your ego, Sasuke, but you could convince Naruko to do just about anything. If she gets the honor of being your girlfriend, I doubt she’ll have any issues with you having your cake and eating it too.”
“Okay,” Sasuke said. “When would you like to start this arrangement, then?”
She flushed, looking away from him.
“Well, truth be told, I let Minato know that we could do it tonight—but, um…I have to admit I’m a bit…nervous.” She smiled, her cheeks heating up further. “Minato isn’t exactly small, but he’s the only man I’ve been with and he can’t—I mean—I don’t…”
“You want to get acquainted with my cock?”
Kushina nodded. “We can wait until tonight before we have sex, but in the meantime, I’d like to get a handle on it,” she told him. “And for your sake, I’ll give you a blowjob you’ll never forget; I’ll even swallow.”
“What are you waiting for, then?” He raised an eyebrow.
She smiled.
Then she pounced on him, pushing him onto his back; the grass was soft to the touch, tickling his cheek as she climbed on top of him.
Her fingers undid his pants quickly; she pulled them down without much fuss. Licking her lips, she moved onto his boxers…and gasped as his cock sprung out, already half-erect.
“Has it always been this big?” she asked, wrapping a hand around the base and stroking it without hesitation.
“Well, it was really small up until about a year ago, and then—” He let it throb for emphasis.
“Really?” She blinked innocently.
Sasuke chuckled. “No…it’s always been huge; what are you gonna do? I just learned to live with it.”
“Mmm…I can’t say I’m complaining,” Kushina purred, licking her lips. “May I?”
He nodded.
With a crystal clear look in her eyes, Kushina dipped her head down and took his length into her mouth. He groaned—it’d been less than a day since he’d entered this world and already he’d been craving a warm pair of lips around his cock.
And how lucky was he? Kushina was ready made for him to enjoy.
She groaned, taking as many inches as she could manage. Her hands worked a rhythm around the base, amethyst eyes gazing into his dark ones.
Kushina pulled back.
“I was in the waiting room after you were born,” she purred. “And yet here I am, sucking your big and juicy cock.” The redhead licked her lips, looking quite pleased with herself. “It’s funny how life works out sometimes, huh?”
He smiled.
“Shut up,” Sasuke said, sliding his fingers into her hair, “and keep sucking.”
She shuddered.
Then, quite obediently, she took his length right back between her plump lips.
‘The things you can get away with when you have a big cock,’ he mused, amusement flickering in his gaze as he watched her bob her head back and forth.
He groaned as she took another large chunk of his member into her mouth—for a second, he pressed against the back of her throat…and then she swallowed more of it, moaning as she did so.
Sasuke chuckled.
“Most women can’t do that on the first try,” he said, with fond memories of Kushina’s family in another world.
She groaned—she threw her head back and forth a few times, then pulled back, releasing his cock from her embrace with a wet pop.
“A girl gets lonely with her husband working all the time,” Kushina cooed. “And I love to suck cock. Sometimes I would just close my eyes with my toys and picture—” She smiled. “Well, sometimes Minato…sometimes other men…sometimes even you. Though I do have to admit something…”
“What’s that?” he asked.
Kushina giggled. “I always pictured you being smaller,” she confessed. “And my toys…well, let’s just say I hope you won’t complain if I can’t get all of you down,” the redhead said pleasantly. “At least, not this time.”
“Don’t worry,” said Sasuke. “I’m sure we’ll have plenty of time to practice.”
She grinned.
“I—” Kushina hesitated. “I want to suck you dry,” she admitted, as she continued to stroke him. “But…well, I promised Naruko I would pick something up for her—”
“It’s okay,” Sasuke told her.
“Oh, one more thing—bring condoms, alright?”
‘That’s new.’
“Okay,” said Sasuke.
Kushina chuckled. “Don’t give me that look,” she said, still working the base of his cock with both hands—she seemed to be doing it unconsciously. “Minato is kind enough to let you do just about whatever you want to me; his one condition is that you wrap it up. Is that really so unreasonable?”
“It’s not,” Sasuke said. “I just wanted to cum inside of you, that’s all.”
“I will swallow every last drop,” Kushina promised with a smirk. “That’ll just have to sate your appetite.”
“It’ll have to do,” he said.
Kushina bent her head back down, taking his length back into her mouth.
He had a bemused expression.
She just kept going and going. And going.
He groaned, his stomach tingling.
“Aren’t you supposed to be leaving?”
She glared at him; pulling back, Kushina wagged a finger at him.
“I have been dreaming about a cock like this since I was your age,” she said. “Don’t give me a hard time, okay!”
“I was just—”
When she swallowed his length again, he found himself moaning.
‘I am going to destroy that pussy later,’ Sasuke thought, closing his eyes and soaking in the sensations. ‘If only because I know for a fact that she’ll blue ball me.’
Blue ball him she did; if she’d kept at it for another minute or so, he would have blown a load down her throat right then and there.
Instead, she pulled back, a knowing look in her eyes.
“Eight o’clock tonight—Menma and Naruko won’t be home.” The redhead kissed his cock, running her tongue along the base. “Remember, condoms. And Sasuke…?”
“Yeah?” he said, trying to keep his tone even.
“Minato has been looking to this night for a long time,” Kushina told him. “I know you have it in you, but just to be clear…I need you to pulverize this pussy. You need to make a show of it.”
“I can do that,” he murmured.
“And that talk earlier? Shut up and keep sucking?” She said it in a poor imitation of his tone. “More of that, please; I love it.”
“Wow,” he said, blinking. “You really are a slut, aren’t you?”
She smiled.
“Two people have seen this side of me, including you—you ought to consider yourself lucky, mister,” said Kushina. She climbed to her feet, beaming down at him. “Now, what did I tell you?”
“Eight o’clock and to make sure I bring condoms,” said Sasuke. “Oh…and to pulverize your pussy, as you put it.”
“Ah, Naruko will be so fortunate when she realizes how good of a listener you are.” She grinned. “Bye, Sasuke! Thanks for the pick-me-up!”
With that, she hopped and skipped away—figuratively. At the very least, she definitely had a spring in her step.
Sasuke had to rein in his breathing.
‘I’m too complacent,’ he realized.
With the five girls in his own world, they knew what he was capable of—even if he gave the reins to them from time to time, it was an unspoken agreement that he could take control whenever he wanted.
Kushina, though…
‘I put the rest of them in their place,’ Sasuke thought. ‘I’ll do the same to her.’
And that was a promise.
They sat on the bed in their room, just an hour before he was due to come over.
Minato had taken off of work early—though it really wasn’t a big deal. Over the course of his two decade reign as Hokage, he’d done much to reduce the bureaucratic bloat. Old man Sarutobi had actually enjoyed the paperwork sometimes…but not Minato. Nowadays, he mostly just kicked his feet up and rubber stamp new policies, but even that could be taxing if the council wanted to give him a headache.
Even today, they’d been hassling him until he was halfway out of the door.
“Sorry,” Minato told them. “I promised Kushina I’d come home—we have a date night planned.”
It wasn’t entirely untruthful; he was going to a date night they’d planned. It just wasn’t a date between him and Kushina.
“You’re positive he was okay with it, right?”
“Sweetie…I had his cock all the way down my throat and he was definitely enthused about it.” Kushina grinned. “Let’s just say that I would be highly surprised if he didn’t show.”
Minato chewed the inside of his cheek.
“And you told him about the condoms?”
“I insisted upon it.”
“Good, good,” Minato said, nodding. “Sorry, it’s just—” He sighed. “I’m nervous; but excited. Does that make sense?”
“It is perfectly understandable,” she told him. “God, I…I have to admit. I’m gonna jump his bones the second he gets here, honey.”
Minato grinned.
“No, I’m serious.”
“I know you are,” he said, his sapphire blue eyes twinkling. “I was half asleep, sure, but I still remember you gushing over his cock for at least an hour.”
Kushina let out a breathy sort of sigh.
“What can I say?” she said. “I’m a simple woman—I see a big cock, I get all warm and gooey inside. Then I want to let them inside.” There was a cheeky lilt to her tone.
“Is that so?” Minato quipped. “I mean, there always were those rumors about Jiraiya-sensei being—”
She swatted him on the shoulder, the bed springs creaking as she did so.
“No,” she said. “On one hand, you have a young sexy stud in Sasuke…on the other hand, you have a stinking old pervert in Jiraiya. I don’t care if that old geezer is packing twenty inches, he is not—”
She stopped when Minato started laughing.
“You know I was always joking whenever I suggested him, right?”
“Mmm hmm.” She pursed her lips together. “You sure brought it up a lot of times for it to be just a joke.”
“Kushina,” Minato said. “C’mon—it’s my sensei! That’s just…”
“Oh,” she said. “So my best friend’s son is alright, but your sensei is where we draw the line?”
“Right,” he said. “I’m sure you were upset it was Mikoto’s son when his cock was halfway down your throat—”
“It was right there, what was I supposed to do, not suck it—?”
“And besides, you were the one who came up with Sasuke in the first place—”
“Seriously, it was winking u

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