Capitulo 7

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“I’ll just go ahead and admit it now—I did not expect Naruko to just come out and tell me like that.”

With the aid of tissues and elbow grease, Minato painstakingly wiped another man’s essence off of his wife’s lovely face.

Sasuke had been gone for a couple of minutes now—yet Minato had come to realize that, since the beginning of this affair, he was never truly gone.

His name was always on Kushina’s tongue. His path of destruction always left a mark, usually in the form of Minato’s wife limping around for several hours after Sasuke had lewdly and loudly pummeled her pussy. And, loathe as he was to admit it, he was on Minato’s mind more often than not.

The blond constantly found himself worrying what he would do next. Who he would do next. His life had been more or less a routine for the past two decades or so; it was only recently that he’d had to deal with things like his wife showing up in his office and getting railed by an Uchiha with a massive dick.

That was all thanks to Sasuke.

“Yeah,” Kushina had to admit, legs swinging back and forth as she sat on the end of his desk. “Then again, I guess our little girl is growing up, isn’t she?”

“Maybe she’s growing up a little too fast,” Minato grumbled. “I wanted one more year where I wouldn’t have to think about the things that Sasuke’s going to do to her.”

“Well, he already came inside me and down my throat,” Kushina said with a smile. “Maybe he’ll be satisfied for the day?”

“...riiight…” Minato murmured. “I remember when I was his age, Kushi. There’s no need to get my hopes up when we both know exactly how much stamina he has.”

“You act like he’s not going to treat Naruko right,” Kushina pointed out.

Minato gave her a flat look. He sighed, tossing cum-soaked tissues into the trash and turning his back to her, hands folded across his chest.

“He took her virginity last night under the pretense that he truly cares about her,” Minato said. “Not even twelve hours later he didn’t hesitate to fuck your throat while she was only a few feet away. That…doesn’t sit right with me.”

Kushina’s amethyst-hued eyes narrowed slightly.

“We both knew this was a possibility,” Kushina said. “It wasn’t a matter of if Naruko and Sasuke would get together, but when. Did I expect us to actually end up doing these things with Sasuke? No…but I also didn’t see you complaining when you were cumming at the sight of what he was doing to me.”

“Yeah, because I’m a shitty person,” Minato said. “At least you can just say that you’re brainwashed by his cock. Sasuke’s young and impressionable. I know what we’re doing is wrong and…” He turned back towards her, blue eyes wide. “And I still want to do it. I just don’t know how Naruko will react when she finds out the truth.”

“You’re not a bad person,” Kushina said, standing up from his desk. She strode up to him, cupping his cheek gently. “You heard it yourself: Naruko knows that her and Sasuke aren’t exclusive. Is it a bit underhanded? Sure…but this is something we’ve both wanted to explore for years. If Naruko’s happy with the status quo, then I’m happy with it, too.”

“Naruko is happy with her status quo,” Minato murmured. “Not with reality.”

“We’ll cross that bridge when we get to it,” said Kushina. She leaned up, kissing him on the cheek. “Are you going to be home early enough to eat with the family?”

“I…should be,” Minato said.

“Good,” Kushina said. “I’ll see you then.”


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