Capitulo 3

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When Sasuke woke up at morning, it was to an incessant rapping at his front door.
God, was he pissed. He’d been having such a good dream too—although it was more of a memory, something that had happened maybe a week prior to his entrance into this world.
He could remember it so vividly. Every second of it was etched into his brain; and for good reason at that.
In the dream, Hinata, Himawari and Naruko were stacked on top of each other like a three-layered cake. Three gorgeous, pristine pussies dribbling wet and ready for his cock; all of them were moaning, groaning, beckoning him to pick them.
He was having the time of his life, switching between their various holes, fucking one nice and thoroughly before switching to the next one.
And just to cap it all off, Sarada and Sakura were on their knees, running their tongues along the base of his shaft, egging him on every step of the way. It was almost sweet…if he weren’t gorging himself on enough debauchery to make Kakashi flush with shame.
Then, just as the five of them were gathered on their knees, begging him for his load…he woke up alone in his bed, with a painful hard-on and nothing to quench his frustrations.
The knocking continued. Sasuke groaned.
Throwing himself out of bed, he stomped his way to the front door. By then, his anger had already put his erection to bed—good thing too, for when he opened the door, he found himself looking at none other than Menma Namikaze.
“Hey,” the blond said awkwardly.
Sasuke glared at him. “What do you want?”
“After my talk with Mom, she disappeared. Then an hour later, she comes home and tells me I need to take Naruko out for dinner, no questions asked.” Menma raised an eyebrow. “I’m guessing you, uh—well…?”
The Uchiha sighed, then gestured Menma inside. The blond entered and Sasuke closed the door behind him.
“Let me get the bad news out of the way: you might just have a little brother or sister soon.”
“I’m kidding,” Sasuke said, chuckling. “But yes, you’re right—I fucked your mom’s brains out last night.”
Menma stared.
“Wow,” he said. “That was blunt.”
He shrugged. “What? You’re the one imagining it right now.”
Menma flushed. “Okay…fair point.” He wasn’t even going to try and deny it; after all, he was the one who’d set it in motion in the first place.
Sasuke smirked. “Is that the only reason you decided to pay me a visit?” he asked.
“I wanted to ask what your plan was for Naruko tonight,” said Menma.
The Uchiha nodded.
“It’s simple—you tell her I’m having someone over for a date tonight. She comes barging over; bam, it turns out you and I set her up, the date is actually me and her. I make her a nice dinner, we have a good time. It all ends with me screwing her so loudly that your father can hear it from the Hokage’s office.”
Menma stared again.
“That’s…kind of brilliant.”
“Thanks,” Sasuke said. “I even got your dad’s permission to date her.”
“Seriously?” Menma looked genuinely stunned. “How’d you manage that?”
“Well, the vote ended up being three against one.”
“Wait, what?”
Sasuke waved off his question. “Don’t worry about it,” the Uchiha said. “Let’s just say that a discussion was held. And we came to an agreement that Minato would much rather have me date his daughter than consider the alternative.”
He ran a hand through his blond hair.
“I…don’t want to know.”
Sasuke cracked a smile. “Yeah,” he said. “Now, as for you being able to watch—”
“You said something to them?” Menma blanched.
“No, no,” said the Uchiha. “I just had an idea; one we can put into practice after I start sleeping with your sister. I just wanted to hear your opinion on it.’
Menma rubbed his chin.
“Alright—I’m all ears.”
Sasuke filled him in on the plan.
Afterward, Menma was blushing and his head was spinning, but really, he could only say one thing—”Now that is a good idea.”
The Uchiha chuckled once again.
“I thought you’d like it,” he said. “But that’ll have to come later.”
Menma’s Fetish
Chapter III — Oh
“The whole overprotective dad thing was getting a little tiring,” Kushina admitted.
Minato frowned. “So you had to put your foot down like that, huh?” he said. “I mean, c’mon! You’re supposed to have my back on these things!”
Sasuke had left…fifteen minutes before. They were still at the kitchen table, cleaning up the mess they’d made—Kushina’s juices had nearly soaked through the wood.
She shrugged as she scrubbed away. “You were just being petty,” said Kushina. “It’s okay for Sasuke to screw my brains out, but for him to do the same to Naruko is where you draw the line?”
“Yes!” Minato said. “Because—” He frowned. “Okay, fine, I’m being a little petty. She’s my baby girl, can’t you cut me a little slack and let me keep her all sweet and innocent for like—one more year? Is that too much to ask?”
He was finishing pushing the chairs back where they belonged when he wrapped up his little speech. Kushina sighed.
“Sasuke is probably going to drill her brains out,” the redhead said, standing up and putting an affectionate hand on his shoulder. “And he’s definitely going to cum inside of her, make her scream his name, blow her back out—the whole shebang. I want you to really picture that; because that is going to be our reality. Okay, sweetie?”
Minato grimaced.
Her eyes flickered down.
“Oh,” she said. “Oh.”
Kushina went through about a dozen emotions.
Then she settled, exhaling gently.
“Honestly? I don’t think it’s that bad.”
He stared.
She shot him a nervous grin.
“C’mon. It’s a little weird, but then again, so is wanting to watch your wife get screwed~”
“Don’t try to deny it, mister,” Kushina said, wagging a finger. “Your little Minato gave you away. You wanna see our baby girl get railed, don’t you?”
Minato hung his head.
She patted him on the shoulder once again, then kissed him on the cheek.
“It’s okay, baby,” she told him. “I still love you. I’m sure we can work something out—I mean, seriously, Sasuke seemed right at home with an audience. And I’m not going to lie, but sucking dick with my daughter just sounds…” She sighed. “...heavenly.”
She kissed him on the cheek again.
“Let’s finish cleaning up,” she said.
He nodded.
She fumed.
Who the hell is it?
Back and forth she paced, cooped up in her room. It actually wasn’t that bad today—she only tripped on a spare bra once. Still, she had much more pressing matters on her mind besides dirty underwear…like who the hell Sasuke was going on a date with.
Ino? Sakura? Tenten?
She racked her brain.
Her head was spinning.
Sasuke, he—no…it wasn’t possible. She spent every day with him; was it possible that he’d really gotten a girlfriend under her nose?
No, no, it can’t be true. Menma has to be yanking my chain.
Yet, while her twin brother could tease and mess with her as much as anyone, he wasn’t one to lie to her; usually. And why would he lie about something like this? Maybe this was him giving her a chance to intervene, before Sasuke took things too far.
It was seven. Menma told her that this “date” was supposed to go down at eight.
She’d been mulling around for hours now. Tossing it over in her brain and looking at the situation from every conceivable angle. Naruko only knew one thing: inaction was not something she was capable of.
The blonde stared at herself in the mirror.
Naruko had to ask herself one question: if she sat around and did nothing…if she watched Sasuke hop and skip off into the sunset with another woman…would she be able to live with it?
She didn’t need anybody to answer that question for her.
A sigh escaped her.
Even if this was a bad idea—
And for the record, she knew it was—
She’d have to do it.
The blonde pulled her orange-and-black jumpsuit on, already thinking about what she would say to him. Her mom was on the couch reading a book when she bound out of her room, fully attired and ready to hit the road.
“Where are you going?” asked Kushina.
“Over to Sasuke’s,” Naruko blurted without thinking. “I—er—am gonna go kick his ass.”
“Alright,” the redhead said. “Be safe.” There was a knowing glint in her eye; Naruko looked away before she made a fool of herself.
“Okay, bye!”
She was already halfway to the door by the time the words were out of her mouth.
The blonde sped down the streets of Konoha. Random pedestrians greeted her warmly as she passed by. Her hair waved and bobbed behind her, Naruko having not taken the time to pull it into her typical pigtails.
Every second counted; in the end however, she made record time. She was at his door, doubled over and panting, blinking sweat out of her eyes.
When she caught her breath, Naruko leaned forward and starting rapping at the door. She kept knocking and knocking, not halting for even a second, creating a constant taptaptap that would drive anyone crazy.
The door swung open.
Sasuke stood in the entrance, looking tall, dark and handsome. She stared up at him, collecting her thoughts, not allowing herself to be cowed by the fact that he was so damn fine.
“You,” she growled, pointing an accusing finger at him. “You goddamn slut.”
He blinked. “What?”
She pushed him with both hands, sending him careening back a few steps—he stayed on his feet, but by the time he had caught his balance, Naruko had thrown the door closed behind him.
“You’re dating someone?!”
All of her thoughts about what she would say went out the window—suddenly she was in his face, pushing him back again.
“After all the times I’ve tried to get through to that thick skull of yours—”
“ —and now you make me feel like an idiot for even thinking that—”
“ —well, I mean, that we could have…I don’t know! Fuck you! You goddamn—”
“What did Menma say to you exactly?”
She stopped in her tracks.
How did—?
“How do you know it was Menma who told me?” asked Naruko, cocking her head to the side.
Sasuke waved off her question. “It doesn’t matter,” he stated.
The blonde stared at him for a long moment, trying to read his expression; he didn’t give her even an inch. Try to decipher what Sasuke was thinking was easier said than done. She’d have better luck trying to activate her nonexistent Sharingan.
“Menma said that you were going to have someone over at eight o’clock,” Naruko said quietly. “He said that it was a girl.”
“Well,” said Sasuke, “I was going to have a girl over at eight o’clock. She came over a little earlier than I expected, though—I hadn’t finished cooking dinner.”
Even a coma patient could have picked up on what he meant.
Naruko was dumbfounded. “No,” she said.
“Maybe I should be a bit more direct,” he said, actually smiling. “Naruko, would you—”
She flung herself at him, throwing her arms around his neck, hugging him senseless. He laughed—his arms slid around her waist and he swept her off of her feet. They stayed like that a moment, Naruko’s legs dangling, the blonde’s face smushed into his chest as she soaked in his warmth.
“You’re not fucking with me, right?” she murmured, her voice muffled.
“Of course not,” said Sasuke, his voice warmer than his body.
Her eyes were watery—Naruko had to blink away the wetness before she dared look at him. When he set her down, she still refused to let go. This was happening, this was happening…
“Did you want to help me finish dinner—?”
He found himself enthralled by her.
At first, he’d anticipated that she would be a one-to-one clone of Naruto. And yes, Naruto was his friend—and Naruko was his lover—but Naruto was…Naruto.
The Naruko of this world was something else.
She was funny, quick-witted and sharp. Her sky blue eyes were always twinkling with some kind of remark, one that often made him laugh.
And more importantly, there was no awkwardness; this wasn’t a Naruto turned into Naruko. This was a full-blooded Naruko, one who was a hundred percent in her skin, one who showed an undeniable affection for Naruko that made him hesitate.
Do I really want to do this to her?
Of course, he had been planning to seduce her. To part those soft legs of hers, to lose himself in that pussy he knew to be achingly tight and unbearably hot.
But this wasn’t his Naruko. This wasn’t the sexual deviant who’d egged him on as he’d conquered every member of her family.
This Naruko was humorous and sharp…but she was shy when it came to relationships. She was touchy and affectionate, but there was a barrier there. The way she acted, the way she behaved—
He knew this was her first rodeo.
And somehow, the idea of rushing it all in a single night…of taking it from dinner to sex…well, it just felt wrong.
I have Kushina, Sasuke thought as they sat down for dinner. I think I want to take this slow.
They ate; Naruko hadn’t helped much in cooking it, but her presence had made the whole process much more enjoyable. And while the food wasn’t exactly up to Hinata or Kushina’s standards, they both seemed to enjoy it.
Or maybe, they were just enjoying each other’s company.
“Mmm.” She leaned back in her chair, cupping her stomach with both hands—he wasn’t even halfway down. “That was freakin’ good, Sasuke; where’d you learn to cook like that?”
“I picked up a few tricks here and there,” he said, after swallowing a mouthful. "Now, would you like to watch a movie with me?"
She grinned from ear-to-ear.
"I'd love to," she breathed.
While he put away the leftovers and washed the dishes, she was lounging on the couch and sifting through the channels.
"Is this good?" she asked, sky blue eyes gazing into his soul. He sat beside her.
She'd put on some documentary about the Third Great Shinobi War.
"This?" he said. "Really?"
She socked him in the shoulder. "Why do you always give me crap?" Naruko groaned. "History is cool, not lame."
Sasuke smiled. "If you like it, then I can't complain."
"No~!" She shook him. "We both need to like it!"
"I like it—"
"No, you don't, you were just—"
"I like you. That means I like it."
She flushed so deeply that he mistook her for Hinata for a second.
"Okay," Naruko squeezed, taking his hand nervously and squeezing it. "Sounds like a plan, Stan."
"It's an expression…" She exhaled. "Y'know what? You're lucky that you're so damn cute."
He smiled. "Thanks," he said, his tone comically flat. "How about we sit back and enjoy this thrilling documentary?"
"You don't have to tell me twice," she said, beaming.
At first, there was a healthy distance between them. As the narrator droned on and on and images flashed across the screen, she drew closer. And closer.
Before long, he thought fuck it and wrapped his arm around her, pulling her close. Her warmth was infectious; and he had to admit, it was nice to simply spend time with someone without it inevitably leading to sex.
He actually found the documentary entertaining, if only because he saw so many familiar faces. The Fourth Hokage and the Fourth Raikage, a few small mentions of Kakashi, among many other things.
By the time they were wrapping things up with the peace treaties signed at the end of the war, Sasuke looked down to see that Naruko had fallen asleep.
She looked so serene and tranquil, curled up against him without a care in the world.
Sasuke smiled.
He quickly found that she wasn't just napping, either. She was out, to the point where even nudging her wasn't getting a reaction at all.
The Uchiha couldn't bring himself to disturb her slumber. He grabbed a blanket from the closet, spreading it over her still form.
He sat next to her, a book in hand. At least his alternate self had good taste in literature—The Life of Sasuke Sarutobi. The Third Hokage's father and Sasuke's own namesake.
Sasuke cracked it open and began to read.
She was still asleep when he went to bed.
He didn't expect to wake up before her…yet when he went out there in the morning, she was still sound asleep.
Though the blanket was on the floor and half her body was dangling over the edge.
Sasuke nudged her. "Wake up," he said gently.
She didn't even stir.
He frowned.
"Wake up…!" he said, shaking her a little tougher, raising his voice just a tad.
She groaned, then rolled over and remained sound asleep.
This time, his patience was gone; he reached forward and grabbed her leg, yanking her off of the couch.
She seemed to float in the air for a moment—then she fell to the ground with a loud thud.
The blonde shot right up, yelling like a bat out of hell. "What the—? You fucking—"
His response was to pull her close, into an embrace so warm and tight that she melted.
"Good morning," she purred, face buried in his chest. She groaned, holding him tightly.
"Morning," he said.
She buried her head further into his chest, inhaling deeply.
“Sorry for falling asleep,” Naruko murmured. “I was just so comfy.”
“It’s fine,” said Sasuke. “Do you want some breakfast?”
Then she hesitated.
“What is it?” he asked.
“I—just…” She lowered her head, looking downcast all of a sudden. “First you make an amazing dinner, then I totally just crash on your couch like some kind of bum…and now you’re gonna make breakfast for me, too?”
She’s too sweet, he thought.
“You can make it up to me sometime,” he affirmed. “But honestly, there’s no need.” Sasuke tilted his head to the side, dark eyes darting back and forth. “You are a little…grimy though,” he noted, a hand against her cheek.
“...that’s no way to talk to a lady,” Naruko grumbled.
Sasuke laughed.
She sighed, her lips twitching. “You do have a point though,” the blonde had to admit. “Can I use your shower?”
“Of course,” said Sasuke. “Just don’t take too long.”
“I won’t.”
She leaned into his chest once again, soaking in his warmth.
It took obvious effort—and a good minute or so—for her to pull away from him. Sky blue eyes stared into him with an intensity and an innocence that floored him. I made the right call, he realized, staring at that soft little smile on her lips.
Naruko turned slowly, then padded down the hall. He watched as she pulled a towel from the closet, then headed to the bathroom. With a hand on the doorknob, she glanced at him; her eyes twinkled even from such a distance.
Then she stepped in and closed the door firmed behind her. A moment later, he heard running water.
Trying not to think too much about the lovely sight that lay just on the other side of that door, Sasuke began working on a hearty breakfast.
Thankfully, his alternate self had kept things well stocked. Ingredients were plentiful and before long, he had something simmering on the stove. Sasuke had spent many mornings in the Uzumaki household, typically being serviced by one or more women as Hinata carefully prepared a meal for all of them. He had paid attention to some of her lessons…even if he was a little distracted throughout most of them.
Just as he leaned against the counter…
A knock sounded at the door.
Sasuke raised an eyebrow.
When he peered through the peephole, he caught a glimpse of amethyst eyes and red hair.
Why is she here?
He pulled open the door; Kushina Uzumaki stood on the other side, a soft smile on her lips. She wore a violet coat that went down to her thighs.
“Kushina,” he said.
The redhead was all smiles. “Sasuke—where’s Naruko?”
“In the shower,” was his calm reply. “Listen, before you say anything…she and I…we didn’t do anything.”
Kushina tilted her head to the side.
“So my daughter…who is head over heels for you and has been wanting to jump your bones for years now…and stayed the night and seemed very fervent about coming over here last night…didn’t do anything with you?”
“That’s right,” he said.
“Aww.” Kushina hung her head. “I was kind of hoping to catch you two in the act, honestly. Minato was livid when I told him where she was.”
“That’s too bad,” said Sasuke. “I—” He paused. “I had a change of heart, that’s all.”
“So you don’t want to be with Naruko?” She looked confused. “I mean, I don’t want this to sound weird, but she’s hot. She’s my daughter and I still kind of want to tap that. What stopped you?”
“Maybe I didn’t want to turn her into a slut like her mother,” Sasuke countered.
Kushina grinned from ear-to-ear, unperturbed by his words.
“Yeah, I’d say that’s a fair point,” she said.
“What’s with the coat?”
It’d been irki

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