Bakugo's challenge: Izuku kicks ass

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Izuku came down to the street he looked around using his dimensional sight and saw two boys behind trash cans and two boys behind a car all of which had a similar brainwave pattern to Bakugo's which meant this was a lynching.
Izuku canceled out his vision no need in going Overkill.
" 'sup Bakugo what'cha call me for," asked Izuku.
" You've been gone for 3 years and now it's payback time for what you did to me," said Bakugo.
Flash back to a seven year old Bakugo and Izuku.
During the time Izuku was training to learn martial arts before he began his training to master the powers of the One he and bakugo got into an altercation.
The result was They wound up fighting now you must understand for seven year olds usually a fight is an exchange of punches untill one or the other falls, izuku's been training for three years in four different self defense martial arts in full contact training for street fights, one of them is Bruce lee's fighting style one of them is the style of Ryu and Ken, two of them are ancient ninja killing techniques and Izuku was already at high-level Disciple in all four of them.
And so Bakugo wound up having to go to the hospital for several fractures and contusions.
But that was seven year old Izuku who was young and still learning this is ten year old Izuku who is older and more disciplined than ever whose already got more understanding of college subjects that most 23 year old college juniors don't even comprehend.
" You don't want to this Bakugo, because if you do this I'm going to wind up having to carry you and all four of your cronies to a place called jabroni-general-hospital,"  said Izuku.
" Bastard knows we're here let's get him," said the boys.
" I can run so fast I can break 20 miles per hour if I try hard enough," said one boy.
" I can lift three times my natural body weight," said one kid.
" I can hit any target at over fourteen yards away with my slingshot," said one kid.
" I can make my body so hard that it can smash through a steel pipe," said big boy.
" And as we all know I'm the best because I can create explosive blast," said a grinning bakugo.
" Are you here to brag about your mediocre quirks or are you here to fight?" Asked Izuku.
" Smart ass let's get him," said the sprinter he dashed at Izuku moving at least at 5 miles per hour fast for an average human but for a hero it's pathetic.
Izuku entered his personal dimension where everyone was moving inch by inch from his perspective.
Izuku raised his leg up right as the speeder kid was coming near him from a punch and with a swift soccer all kick he caused the boy to fall over into a front ways flip as Izuku exited his dimension just in time to see the kid Tumble across the ground 4 times before landing Ina trashcan.
" Okay Who next," asked Izuku.
" Smart ass punk try dodging my dinner bell bullet," he said as he pretty much just had loaded a small dinner bell into a sling shot.
The boy shot it off it was moving at the speed of about 20 yards per minute but Izuku saw it coming at him as if it were a frame by frame motions picture and he simply sidestepped the bell although he felt tempted to smack that sumbitch back at him and got him in his sniper eye.
" He dodged my shot," said the boy.
Izuku moved so fast he translocated an that was just his normal speed hell even ninety could do it which was probably how bakugo convinced these dweebs probably said he'd introduce them to Ninety since she was the prettiest girl in school, and still is.
Izuku decided the boy just needed a good hit so he span around and landed a back spin kick to the boys pecker head.
" Aeiiiiii," he squeeled rolling on the ground in pain while holding his Johnson.
" Welp that's two," said Izuku.
The boy who could lift three times his weight lifted a large tire from a pick up truck and threw it at Izuku.
The blessed green haired child just sighed he focused his mind expanding the domain of his dimension and hold out his hand thinking the words 'drop.'
The tired did just and Izuku retracted his domain.
" What he made that tore drop does he have telekinesis or something," said the boy.
Izuku walked up to the boy who was leaning a against a car now.
Izuku just wanted to scare him so he casually lifted the car like it was not as if he were holding a pizza platter.
The boys eyes rolled into the back of his head and he passed out.
Izuku out the car down and walked over to the big boy.
" Hey I'm not scared off you watch this," the boys muscles contracted and he grabbed a no parking zone sigh post and made a hand print in it although Izuku could tell he was trying really hard.
" Now what did that poor sign ever do to you, also you know that's a felony right," said Izuku, " here lemme fix'er for you," and Izuku using one index finger pushed the hand ring out of the sign and made it as good as new.
" Forget it dude this kids quirk is busted I'm out," said the big kid and he stormed off.
" Get back here you pussy," said Bakugo.
" Now do you kiss your mother with that mouth boy," said Izuku.
" Bastard don't mock me," said Bakugo throwing a combination of punches at Izuku.
Izuku simply smacked them away.
" I'm not like those others take this explosive speed," he said moving faster than most people would expect him to Bakugo was throwing punches at least at mach 3, of course that was child's play for Izuku since it took somone to at least reach at least 6000 meters per second in 1/65th of a minute to move so fast to vanish so for one to Translocate one has to be moving over 366,000 meters per second or over 1,317,600 kilometers per hour.
In other words Izuku was a shit load faster than this little bad boy wannabe.
Izuku was still slapping Bakugo's hands faster than bakugo can react before trapping his wrist " now pay attention kacchan," said Izuku as he moved bakugo's hands so fast he was able to put bakugo's hands in the boys pockets and pull them out; then place his own hands in Bakugo's pockets and pull them out, then clap bakugo on the cheeks and repeat every single bit of that process 3 times more.
Bakugo's eyes rolled into the back of his head and he passed out.
" You just gotta love slapstick," said izuku and he walked back to the Batroli family's apartment.
Ninety looked at Izuku in shock.
" What has Morpheus been feeding you because I want some of it pronto," said Ninety.
" 3 long years of physical and mental training as well as being able to learn to control density and dimensional physics makes for a 'Really' great power up," said Izuku.
" Speaking of a power ups where'd I put that'a power jump badge," said Mario.
" It's in the suitcase, on the front pocket to your left dear," said tali.
" Mama-mia you always know where I put my stuff love," said Mario.
" You going to save the mushroom kingdom again mister Batroli," asked Izuku.
" Nope I got to go check on Mac and see if he needs me to ref a match," said Mario.
"Oh yeah, I forgot you're a certified referee for the mushroom kingdom Boxing League," said Izuku.
" Welp I beat be going to me day job, and Ninety you better get to bed by nine thirty, or I might just think about teaching you to clean a pipe," he said walking out the door before stoping at the parking lot "and not with liquid plumber," he added and drove off in his PT-cruizer.
" Well I'll see you tomorrow ninety," said izuku.
" See you later Izuku," she said Nintey.
( 2 years later)
During Izuku and ninety's first year of middle school a lot of things changed.
Izuku who was always a talker and more athletic kid began to experience those normal changes a boy goes through.
Izuku was now at 5'1 feet which was pretty tall for a 12 year old, his voice began to change plus he had gotten hair in certain places that need not be mentioned.
Ninety had also began changing she had always been bit of a beauty but nobody except Izuku knew that she was actually an early bloomer in fifth grade she already had breasts and by the time they had reached 7th grade in their first year of middle school ( in Japan Middle School starts at 7th grade)
She already had A 22 B size bra.
Izuku was the envy of most boys due to him being by ninety's side and ninety was the envy of almost every girl because of izuku's popularity as being the most powerful boy in the school and the best fighter in the region since Izuku kept his skills sharp by challenging villains to street fights and some of the local gangs.
Izuku came home one day but was surprised to find that Morpheus was here.
" Uncle Morpheus what are you doing here," asked Izuku with his voice which sounded a bit raspy since he was going through puberty.
" I came to warn you about the One user's true enemy," said Morpheus.
" True enemy?" Asked Izuku.
" An evil cult, they pose as federal agents but in actuality they are those who have tried to possess the power of the One," said Morpheus " they are called the agency,"
Izuku felt himself become self aware that there were those who coveted his power.
Izuku knew the agency would probably want to harm those dear to him.
Izuku knew that if those bastards lay one hair on his mother or ninety they would be facing the very man Who could shake the world if he wanted to; come about it that kind of power does seem like someone might covet it.
" So I brought you a few things," said Morpheus.
He opened up a case inside of it, were a pair of fully automatic handguns, and a five foot samurai sword.
Izuku whistled they were made of pretty rare materials.
" The sword is a special weapon it uses micro sonic vibrations that allow it to cut pretty much anything even adamantine steel," explains Morpheus, " the guns have pulse bullets which can create gravitational blast.
Izuku was informed by his mother that he was not allowed to use those weapons inside the house.
" Okay mom," said Izuku.
Meanwhile in the Batroli family apartment.
" Ninety your papa and uncle Luigi have decided that you should receive the family Heirloom and thus we plan on giving you a mighty hammer," said Mario.
" I've also planned on giving you my old hero outfit," said Tari.
This was a heroic black and blue outfit similar to that of a motorcycle jumpsuit this outfit wasn't really her style she preferred hoodies and sweatpants.
The girl then went downstairs to see Izuku.
The next day after school Izuku was walking home yet he knew he was being followed.
Izuku rounded a corner and saw the man pull out a gun.
Izuku entered his dimensional space and the man rounded the corner firing off his pistol.
Izuku shifted dodging the bullets and smacked the man's hand holding his gun so hard sending the pistol flying into a wall Izuku increased the density of his body creating a frictional distortion in the air and let loose a flaming spin kick as he called out his kicks name " pyro-uga!" And crushed the agent's skull splattering blood all over the brick wall of the alley.
" Bastards are already here," said Izuku.
Izuku raced home but was glad to see that his mom was safe.
" They attacked you already?" Asked ninety who was practicing her tai-chi chain with Izuku she used a arm lock and low hook kick to sweep the boys leg and he used a kip up before going for expert Sobat the leaping backspin kick went over her head which was what It was meant to do since they were rehearsing for a kung fu fight scene for a YouTube video.
" Yeah I actually had to kill him to stop him from harming me, Bastard had a fraggin Gun," Said Izukus as they continued their performance.
Izuku and her exchanged a brief set of blocks and punches before Nintey used one of her powers and threw a double handed punch that caught fire.
The result was that Izuku flew backwards into a set of rain barrels of course he did this on his own.
After their performance was recorded Izuku and ninety say down and ate their favorite foods Izukus was a sub sandwich and Ninety's was a slice of pepperoni pizza.
The two knew that soon their peaceful days would die.
To be continued.
How did you like that lemme know but be respectful and yes Izuku can be a bit arrogant and cocky but he's a good kid and means well in other words he has a devil may care personality and as for ninety she'll get her chance to shine in the next chapter.
Anyways I want to let you all know that I had to wait to upload for a while since powers been out for almost a week up until last Wednesday this being due to the tropical storm; sorry for not uploading as quickly.
Anyway that's it for this chapter see you next time Ciao

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