Chapter 2

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3 Months Earlier

What had she been thinking? How stupid could she have been?

Well, in my defense, everything seemed like it had been going well.

He had taken her to a lovely restaurant. He had been a perfect gentleman, as usual, all evening long. He had been completely normal. Everything seemed to be going well as usual.

And when he had taken her hand, leaned forward, and smiled gently at her, her breath caught in her throat.

For a quick moment, she thought...maybe...perhaps he was going to...

But he didn't. And she reminds herself of that harshly as she takes a large gulp from her glass.

He had actually done the opposite of propose.

" This isn't working, Freen."

She takes another gulp.

" I'm just not happy anymore."

And another.

" Honestly, you're a little...boring...monotonous, you know?"

She finishes the half-full glass.

And it stings but not as much as his cold words from just hours before.

So what if their relationship was a little boring? So what if things were monotonous? Wasn't that what relationships were supposed to be? Boring? Monotonous? Consistent?

She liked going to the same restaurant and Movie Theater every week. She liked things that were familiar. She was a simple person. She didn't need fancy outings or spontaneous adventures.

She had been happy with her life. She had been happy with him.

But I guess that just makes one of us.

She raises her hand for another drink, but then thinks better of it. One more drink and she'll have to take a cab home. Right now, where she is, she could walk the few blocks. She's buzzed for sure, but not drunk and she supposes she should keep it that way.

"I'll close my tab and take the check now, please," she practically yells to the bartender.

As she begins to dig in her purse for her wallet, she is startled by a hand on her back.

She looks up immediately into the most beautiful blue eyes and she swears the entire bar goes silent. As she stares up at this woman, she can't help but feel like her heart is beating a mile a minute. She wants to say something. She should say something. But the mysterious blonde beats her to it.

"Please tell me you weren't leaving? I've been working up the courage to talk to you for the last ten minutes and now that I have, it would be a shame to see you leave now."

Goodness gracious, that voice. It's husky. It's confident. It's...

So damn sexy, she almost says aloud.

The truth is that she was definitely leaving. She is tired, tipsy, and has to be up at 5 a.m. for work.

But at the same time, this woman is hands down the loveliest creature she has ever laid eyes on.

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