Chapter 1: The Rumor

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Gabby's pov:

-So, I heard the rumor.-

That voice makes me freeze in place. The idea of immediately storming out of there flashes through my mind, but the only thing I can manage to do is stay still right where I am.

I focus my gaze on the corridor's floor as I hear footsteps getting closer. -So...?- She insists, trying to make me talk. But the truth is, I don't have the slightest idea of what she's talking about.

I force myself to rise my head and look at her. -I don't know what are you talking about- I say trying to sound chill, but I can hear my nervousness slipping through, and I can tell she notices it too.

She stands in front of me, her arms crossed as she tilts her head, not believing a single word, looking at me with those big brown eyes that drive me crazy. 

When I make eye contact with her, I can feel  everything inside me burn, the heat quickly trying to reach my cheeks. She knows the effect she's having on me and she smiles irradiating confidence, knowing that she has me right where she wants.

She steps even closer. -You sure?- At this point we're so close, too close. I take a step back, trying to put some distance between us, only to hit my back against the lookers behind me. The noise echoes through the corridor and I look around desperate to find someone that would make this stop, only to find out that we're alone. Why the hell are we alone? And most importantly, do I really want whatever this is to stop?

At this point we're so close that I can feel her hot breath reaching my skin and right now, the only thing that I can hear is my heart pounding wildly into my ears.

I stay there, trapped between her body and the lockers, the blush finally hitting my cheeks as I try to stay as calm as I can. But there's no use, I'm already loosing control of my breathing, my chest rising and falling way faster than it should.

After a few seconds my eyes leave hers and go down to her lips, those amazing lips that I'm dying to taste. Suddenly I realize what I'm doing and I quickly look away, only to feel a hand gently grabbing my chin, making me return to my old position.

Her eyes look deep into mine, making a shaky moan slip between my lips before I can stop it. As my eyes open wide in realization, I quickly try to say something, anything to apologize for what just happened, but before I can even start, her lips press against mine, silencing me and making me feel an explosion of sensations all over my body that leaves me breathless.

She's kissing me, Dani is kissing me and I'm in shock for a moment, my brain racing as she kisses me, trying to decide if what's happening is real or if it's just one of my dreams. Then after a few seconds, I kiss her back, realizing that I don't really care, I just want to enjoy this while it lasts.

And when I finally start kissing her back, is when I feel her tongue liking my lower lip as if she was asking for permission, and I gladly part my lips giving her access.

Oh god this is real. This is so real.

As the kiss deepens I loose all sense of time, getting completely lost in the sensation of her lips pressed against mine, her tongue doing marbles inside my mouth while one of her hands holds my face.

Her other hand is resting against the lockers behind me, making clear that she's the one dominating this situation. She's in control and I love it, the way she kisses me, the way she tastes, everything is far better that anything I've ever imagined.

I'm so lost in the in the moment and I can feel my body asking for more, ready for more. But then suddenly she pulls away, smiling with confidence and arrogance, as she looks at me.

-I guess the rumor was true.- She says looking satisfied, making my heart skip a beat at her words as I'm brought back to reality. She's standing there, not bordered even in the slightest for what just happened, while I'm there admiring her like if she was a goddess.

Her usual mean girl facade is back on place and I can feel my legs trembling. I stay right where I am, while I'm trying to maintain the contact with the lockers so I don't loose my balance.

Suddenly the annoying sound of the bell echoes through the corridor, she looks up and then back at me, dedicating me her usual arrogant smile one last time before leaving.

The corridor is quickly full of students going to their next class, but I just stay there, my back against the lockers as I try to figure out what just happened. My heart is trying to go back to its normal pace as my lungs burn, complaining for not stopping a single time during the kiss to breathe.

And the truth is: I'm too flustered and too in shock to even considering to move, so I stay there, my sight lost somewhere in the corridor floor as I try to catch my breath.

While I'm there, I can feel the other students eyes on me when they pass through, but right now I can't bring myself to care. I might look like a blushing mess but my brain is repeating over and over again how Dani kissed me. So I don't care what the other students think, cause the girl I have a huge crush on kissed me. She just fucking kissed me. What the hell did just happened?


So... that just happened

How are we feeling? :)

I just wanted to let you know that English is not my first language, so I apologize for any mistakes that I made. Feel free to point them out if you find any, that way I can edit the chapter and improve it :)

Now I'm going to explain how this fic is going to work. I'm going adapt each TikTok edit story in one chapter, which means that I'm going to be making one chapter per TikTok. The creator of this TikTok series is @multishive (artemis) she's so talented and you should go check her edits out :)

And finally, for the ones that come from TikTok, I hope you like this and thank you for encouraging me to do it. Feel free to leave your thoughts on this story :)

And to everyone, thanks for reading! <3

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