Chapter 2: The Party (Part 2)

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Gabby's pov:

It's been barely 20 minutes since we had arrived and I already want to leave. I'm here watching as Jai is about to jump to the pool from the balcony.

Connor and Luke are already in the pool, drinks in hand as they encourage Jai to do it. And he does, he just jumps.

-That was amazing!- he shouts when he emerges, and suddenly everyone seems to be his friends.

Luke and Conor follow Jai out of the pool and into the house heading to the balcony, which is suddenly one of the main attractions of the party.

I look around and everyone seems to be having so much fun and I'm just... here, my first drink still untouched. My face falls a little and Hanna, who's dancing with some girls, notices and heads towards me.

-Hey you ok?- She asks concerned, now standing by my side. -Yeah all good.- I answer with the most credible smile that I'm able to put on. But of course, Hanna is not buying it.

She tilts her head and her smile fades, now replaced by a worried expression. -What's wrong Gabbs?- she asks, her voice gentle as she places a hand on my back and starts moving it, tracing small circles trying to reassure me.

And the answer is nothing, cause nothing is wrong. But somehow I can't bring myself to enjoy the party or even moving without thinking that everyone is watching.

There's the little fact that Taylor kinda forgot to tell us that this was a Halloween themed party, cause of course she would, so i feel a bit stupid wearing my grey hoddie and blue jeans. But none of my friends are wearing a costume either and they are having a great time, so why can't I?

I know I shouldn't let my anxiety decide what to do, I know that everyone is too busy with their own business to even care about me, but I can't shake the feeling that everyone is watching, judging and thinking that don't belong here.

Suddenly I feel a hand on my cheek and the gentle touch brings me back to reality. Hanna is now in front of me, scanning my face trying to check if I'm still with her.

She probably knows what's happening, what I'm thinking. Cause of course she does. -Come with me and dance a little.- she offers, her tone gentle. It's not a question but I know shes giving me the option to decide. -Those girls are super cool.- she adds with a reassuring smile.

-I don't know I...- I leave the end of the sentence hanging in the air, cause I really want to go, to have fun and just be me, but I can't bring my feet to move.

I'm tired of being exited to do something and then not being able to do it. Hanna notices my inner battle and makes her final offer.

-Hey it's ok. Just come with me, dance a little and if you're still not comfortable, just say it and we're leaving ok?- With out giving it a second thought I nod, ignoring the voice into my head. I instantly regret it, but now I'm being dragged towards the group of girls Hanna was with, so running away and hide is not an option.

-Oh hey! I'm Anne. - one of them says smiling when we reach the group. -I'm Chloe! And this is Mary and Olivia.- another girl introduces herself and the others with enthusiasm.

They're all super friendly and excited to meet me and just like that, the group of potential mean girls that my stupid brain was anxious about, ends up being a group of girls that are just dancing and enjoying themselves.

Hanna takes my hands and starts dancing with me, making me laugh and finally start to enjoy the party.


I'm finally having fun, dancing and just goofing around with Hanna and the other girls.

I notice a few people heading outside but I don't give it much of a thought. Hanna notices too and looks at me when even more people go the same way.

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