Chapter 2: The Party (Part 1)

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Dani's pov:

I'm in my room applying the final touches on my make up for tonight, when I hear my phone buzzing on the sink.

-Shit.- I say to myself as I look at the screen showing Gina's name on it. She's calling me.

I sigh and then I answer the call. My facade right on its place before I can even notice.

-Hey girl.- I start playfully, and I can hear a laugh on the other side of the line. -D we're literally on your door girl, what's taking you so long?- she says, playful and light but with a bit of urgency. -Aw how cute. You can't live without me.- I tease and she laughs again. -If you don't get your ass here in 2 mins I'll go in and get you.- I know she's joking but I'm left speechless for a moment.

My friends have never been into my house. I mean they have for parties, but other than that, never. And I want to keep it that way.


I jump when I hear Gina's voice, I had totally forgot about her. -Going.- I quickly reply and before she can say anything else I hang up.

In less than 30 seconds I take all of my things and run downstairs towards the main door, checking myself on the mirror on my left before opening the door.

I let out a smile as I see my reflection, taking in my outfit. Taylor decided on the last moment that she wanted a Halloween themed party, as she wasn't going to be in town for the holiday. So everyone had to look for costumes as quickly as they could.

To be honest, I wanted my black short dress to make its party debut at Taylor's, but my High School Musical 3 graduation costume was way more comfortable.

I sigh again, trying to get all my nervousness out of my body and then I open the door, finding Gina on my porch, arms crossed.

-It was about time.- she says, half serious half teasing. -C'mon we're going to be late.- EJ shouts from his car.

-Oh come on you can't be late for a party at Taylor's.- I say, making Gina roll her eyes.

And it's true, Taylor travels a lot and lately she's been obsessed about Spain. Apparently there the pre party starts at 11 pm to set the mood and then the actual thing does not start until 1 am. And now all the parties she throws follow that crazy schedule so yeah, you can't be late to one of the those.

-So, who wants a ride?- With a confident smile, I pull out my dad's car keys, well... my car keys as I wave them in the air, leaving all my friends speechless for a moment.

I turn around sassily and I notice how Gina quickly follows. I also hear a gasp and a door closing. -Oh come back you traitor!- EJ shouts to Carlos as he joins us. He was joking of course but I turn around to wink at him, knowing that he wishes it was him the one joining.

EJ starts his car and leaves as he shakes his head and I open the garage door. I can hear Carlos gasp again when my dad's black Lamborghini Aventador appears in front of us.

I'm going to a party at Taylor's and it's not like my dad is here to care about me talking his car, or to care about me at all. So I unlock the car and jump in, fondly smiling when I start it and hear that beautiful sound.

-This is amazing Dani.- Gina says, enjoying this as much as I do. -Everyone is going to be speechless when we arrive.- Carlos says, excitement and a bit os superiority in his voice.

The thing is that Taylor is rich, like buying a whole neighborhood and turning it into your own private forest rich. Cause that's literally how her parents house looks like, a giant mansion in the middle of a private forest, cause I refuse to call that her "front yard".

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