Chapter 2.2: Casual

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Gabby's pov:

The drive to Hanna's house is quiet, my unfinished conversation with my friend and Dani's presence filling the air with tension.

I know Hanna wants to talk with me, but she stays silent on the backseat, probably waiting to have a moment alone to talk things properly.

Maybe she's waiting until we reach her home, but I don't think I can talk to her, at least not today.

I knew I was driving so I didn't drink, but the same cannot be said about my friend. She's not as drunk as Dani of course, but maybe having a serious conversation with someone who's not entirely sober is not the best idea.

I really treasure my friendship with Hanna, I really do, so I will talk with her and try to fix things. But if I'm being honest, right now I'm really worried about Dani.

She's by my side on the copilot seat, looking really dizzy and pale, but she's trying so hard to not let it show.

Her head is slightly tilted towards the window casually resting on her hand, but there's nothing casual about her hand placement.

I know she's in that position to be able to hide her face without being suspicious, blocking Hanna's view of her reflection on the outside mirror.

But I know what she's doing, I have full view of her and I can see how bad she's struggling.

I want to stop, to let her get out of the car and have some fresh air, to ask her what she needs. But I also know that she does not want that.

My mind keeps returning to earlier, when she let me help her out of her car. Then she tried to walk alone but I stayed close, letting her know that I was there if she needed me.

And of course, she only managed a few steps before I had to step closer so she could lean on me.

I saw how difficult it was for her to force herself to let her walls down and allow herself to accept my help, but she ended up doing it, putting a hand over my shoulders so I could help her walk.

But her arm felt so limp and it was slipping, so I used my right hand to hold hers and slid my left towards her back, slowly moving it down so she could stop me if she felt uncomfortable, until I reached her hips and drawed her closer, on an attempt of trying to keep her steady.

She let me do all of that, she let her guard down and let me help her, but then when we reached my car and she saw that it was not empty, everything changed.

It was like watching an actress get full on acting mood, her body straightened, her expression changed and suddenly she was ok. Or at least pretending to be ok.

I'm still amazed on how she managed the few last steps towards the car on her own, and slid on it like nothing had happened.

But right now it's been 10 minutes since that moment, and her facade is trembling.


We finally reach Hanna's house and I'm surprised that Dani didn't throw up into my car. I know she's trying so hard to hold it back and I'm really surprised that she actually managed to.

As Hanna hops off the car, I take a moment to look at Dani.

-Hey... hold on a bit more ok?- I tell her, my voice barely above a whisper, gentle and sweet.

I'm about to get out of the car when Dani's hand reaches mine, holding it tight and not letting go.

I turn my head and find her already looking at me, her gaze begging me to stay and warning me that she might not be able to hold on for much longer.

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