Chapter 9

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It was eight am when I woke up again. No light was shining through my window, which was weird I usually keep the blinds op-

I look to my door and a chair was holding the doorknob in place. Right. Last night. I stretched and heard my back crack a couple times. I reached for my phone and saw Violet texted me.

Hey, just wanted to make sure you're safe. Are you okay?  I typed back a half assed response of saying I was just tired. I didn't even mention what happened last night. It was just too surreal and scary. Like really fucking scary. I could take care of myself, but I'm tiny. I'm barley five foot seven and muscle build is prominent but lacking a little bit, so whoever this guy is might be able to take me. I got up and did the standard morning routine but I paused at the door. I didn't exactly see whatever happened went away. I just jumped in bed hoping it would leave me alone. What if it's still there? What will it do if it is and I leave my room? Will it kill me or make me go insane? I decided at this point I didn't care. I moved the chair and opened my room. The house was the usual quiet but now it felt eerie after all that has happened. I grabbed my coat, phone and shoes before I left the house to Violet's. I was halfway across the street when somebody called me. A spark of hope fluttered, thinking it was Serinna actually wanting me back, saying the texts were friends or she was drunk. But the hopes were shattered when I saw it was Dean. I picked up.

"Hey Dean."

"Hey Sport. Sorry it took so long to get to your car, I had a line of repairs out the wazoo!" I chuckled. Leave it to Dean to get me to smile after what I've been through.

"So, what's the news?" I asked.

"Well the news is, there isn't any. There is nothing wrong with your car." I stopped in my tracks, a few inches in front of Violet's porch steps.


"That's what I said! I checked every inch of it and nothing. The best I've seen it!"

"How is that even-" Him. That stupid curse. I sighed.

"Thanks. I'll pick it up soon. See ya."

"See ya Sport." I hung up and climbed the porch steps. Violet appeared in the doorway before I could even get near the door. She shut it firmly and walked past me.

"Let's go. I know a person who could help." She said before I could get a word in. I followed quickly behind but before I stepped off the steps I noticed something. It was behind a old, forgotten porch chair at the other end of the porch. It was a small but bulky camping flashlight with a cracked lens. I went over and picked it up. It was grimy and dusty with two very badly painted name on it. Monster Hunter Light in purple letters with red painted fangs under it. I smiled. It was part of a Monster Hunting kit Violet and I made when we were little. I pocketed it and ran to her pick up, getting into the passenger seat.

"What took you so long?" she asked. I pulled it out of my pocket. Her eyes lit up like a child and she smiled. It took me by surprise given her cold, sarcastic demeanor. But it was definitely welcomed. Violet took it from my hands.

"Wow. Our old Monster Flashlight." she said calmly with bubbly joy in the back of her throat.

"Yeah. The strongest we could find that cost two eight year old's collected together, unused lunch money that day. Thought it would burn vampires when they attacked." I said and we both laughed.

"That was the day our parents found  massive amounts of paint splatters on your parents kitchen table and an open family sized bag of Cheetos because we had to skip lunch that day, we were so hungry." Violet giggled and we laughed harder. I remember we left orange stained fingerprints on the white pristine cabinets my parents bought. My mom looked like she was going to faint.

"How did that end up on the porch?" I asked. Her smile faded and she kept her focus on the flashlight, now in her lap.

"I threw it at you and missed when you said we weren't friends anymore. Closest thing to door, remember? So we could grab it if we needed to leave the house quickly." Her voice became a mere whisper and I lost my smile too. I remember that day. I was so angry, I kicked the flashlight after she threw it and it landed by my feet. I heard her crying as I walked away but pretended not to hear. The truck rumbled to life.

"Let's get going." She pulled out of the driveway and peeled onto the road.

"So where are we going?" I asked. Violet grew this smirk. We haven't known each other in years, but I knew her long enough to know I should be scared with that smirk.

"Do you remember Madame Kishka?" she asked. Oh. My. God.

"She's still alive?" I asked in disbelief. She nodded with a laugh at the edge of her lips. Madame Kishka was a crazy Eartha Kit looking motherfucker who owned a small shop at the edge of town. We went there all the time to talk to her and buy all sorts of weird "potions" and "spell books" from her little  shop.

"I still go there all the time. It actually works you know. Her spells and stuff." Violet said as she took a turn down a long, narrow road to Kishka's place. Which was the only thing on this streets. There was only vacant lots between her store.

"Wait. You use them? And they WORK?" I asked.

"Really? After all the shit that has happened, you find that unbelievable?" I shrugged. She had a point. We pulled up to the tiny shack she called a store. It was brown with a gray tin roof, collapsing in on itself. A tacky neon sign dimly glowed Voodoo Spellcast but some of the words were broken so it actually read Vodo Selcst. We stepped inside to the musty, cramped place. Light only shined through one window in the back, reveling the millions of dust particles floating in the air. Shelf upon shelf was either crammed side by side or hung on the wall to display the different merchandise from brightly colored liquid in dingy bottles to worn and broken leather bond book with yellow pages.

"Madame Kishka?"Violet called. We stepped in a little closer into the shop. Three bottles from a shelf above the cash register in front of us flew off and was aimed right at us.

"DUCK!" Violet yelled and pulled me down to the floor along with her. The bottles hit the wall behind us and the contents inside started to drip to the floor.

"Holy shit." I whispered. 

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 08, 2015 ⏰

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