- Chapter 15

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"Sometimes, you need to forget."


Will's POV

Today was the day we went back to school, the day I dread.

As I walked into the building, I never missed a thing. Loud teenagers talking about how many people they slept with, the teachers talking dirty about the students, the bullies, but most importantly; grades. They stress me the hell out and sometimes I can't take it.

"Well, let's go to class then.." Jordan said as he grabbed my hand and walked with me and our friends to our shitty algebra room.

As I walked in, I saw a new face. A face that we all didn't recognize at all. Jordan looked at me and gave me a look that seemed to give off asking who this guy is?

We all sat in our seats and waited on the teacher, but knowing us, we never stood quiet. We all gathered around Sean's' desk and all looked at each other.

"Who is this guy?" I asked.

"Beats me.." Straub said as he gave the guy a dirty look.

"Hey stop, we don't know him or what he's like. For all we know, he could kick our asses." Jordan said as he shot Straub a frown.


As the bell rang, we all darted out of the room and to lunch, except for the new kid.

"Hey!" I said to him as everyone ran in front of me. "Guys get us seats, an extra one just in case." I whispered to the guys.

I looked back at the stranger and shot him a smile. "Don't worry, im not mean" I chuckled.

"I'm just curious about you." I said to him.

The guy looked at me, revealing one thing about him.

"Why??" he asked in a British tone.

I was shocked, another brit? Sweet!

"Well, you seemed lonely, and pretty cool to hang out with. What's your name stranger?" I asked him, getting to the point.

The boy looked at me and smiled.


The boy and I walked down the stairs to the lunch room where we met the rest of the guys.

I sat down, with the guy by my side.

"Well, who's he?" Ryan asked.

"Damn impatient much?" Jordan asked, Ryan looked at him dumbfounded.

"Shut the hell up or you're not gonna get any sugar from your boyfriend tonight if you keep acting like that." Ryan said as I blushed.

"Will you guys chill? I'll introduce him in a sec." I said as I set my bag next to Jordan.

"His name is Vas and he just moved from England to America, so treat him well." I said as I smiled bright.

"Wow, another brit! Looks like you're not alone Will." Straub said.

I rolled my eyes and focused on the new guy, Jordan looking slightly uncomfortable. I leaned over to Jordan and rested my hand on his inner thigh, where I heard him let out a small gasp, I smirked and resumed to talking to everyone.

"Well, tell us about yourself man!" Ryan said as he stopped to put his phone down.

I think we're all going to get along just fine!

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