- Chapter 17

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"I'm not singing for your xo

I'm just singing cos it's over"


Jordan's POV

As I continued to sit on the bench, I had a though pop into my head about Will.

"What happens if he starts to get hung up on alcohol and starts having straight vodka run through his veins, all thanks to me? Because of one mistake..." I rested my head in my hands and thought more.

'What if's' ran through my head over and over again.

"No.." my voice cracked.

"What if he starts to commit suicide all because of me..?! Damn it Will!" I quickly got my phone and ran home while trying to dial his number.

The person you are trying to reach is unavailable at this time.

Will please... I beg.

I quickly opened the door and threw my keys and phone aside as I rushed up the stairs and to our bedroom where I heard muffled crying. I began to open the door quietly and seen an upset Will, curled up into a ball with bloodshot eyes and stained writs.

Damn you.

"Will please look at me..." I begged him in a calm tone of voice, hoping he'd obey.

He looked up at me; I could tell he's been crying for quite some time.

"Jordan.." he sniffled.

I grabbed him into a big hug and held him in my arms, telling him how much of an amazing boyfriend and best friend he is to me. I told him everything. I told him about how it was all a joke and that the fans wanted the kiss to happen. I told him about how I wanted to kiss him later on in front of everyone but it was too late. I told him how special he is and how he saved me. I reminded him about all our fun dates and most importantly, how much his fans love him.

Will looked up at me, as if he was going to ask a question.

I nodded, wanted to know what he was going to say.

"How about a quick vlog to update them about us?" He asked, as he clung onto my shirt.

I nodded and got my phone out, I then pressed the record button,

"Hey everyone! Your favorite couple here! Just want to update you guys about us." I began to walk around the room and glanced down at Will.

"We've been having a pretty hectic week so far but, everything is alright now, I promise." I then grabbed Will close to me and kissed him.

"I also planned a little surprise tomorrow that I'll depend on sharing, if Will behaves." I smiled. He looked up at me in shock.

I then winked at him and looked back at the camera.

"Well guys, I know it's a short vlog but I'll keep you guys posted! Love you all!" I then ended the video with Will and me kissing.

"So what's this surprise you're talking about?" he asked crossing his arms, doing that cute fucking half smirk he does.

"You'll have to wait and see." I laughed.

I then decided to change up into some comfy clothing and cuddle Will till he falls asleep.


Hey everyone! Quick little update!

So I have this week left of summer school then two weeks of my summer vacation then school again! That's going to be my schedule for now!

I also want to just take this moment to say, thank you. I know that I have 100 followers and all but I never honestly would think that this book would get "Popular". Well, that's what you guys like to say, "Popular".

I really really does mean a lot with all the constant support and positivity you guys show. I show's that you guys are truly amazing people and deserve the best. Someone then DM'ed me on tumblr saying that from reading one of my books, I saved their life and that just; threw me into a well with my own tears. Like, I'd never think I'd change some one's life. I reached my goal honestly.

I always wanted to change some one's life because it shows that I could make a difference and I just can't say thank you enough. When I say I love you guys, I mean it. When I say you guys can come to me for anything, I mean it. I mean everything I say; because I care about every single one of you. Every single one of you deserves the best.

So I'm going to end this on a positive note by saying I love you guys, stay strong, and peace out!



PS: I changed my tumblr to immortalrainhd just so you guys know it's me!

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