- Chapter 16

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"The future seemed so bright."


Jordans POV

"You fucking asshole."

That kept replaying in my head.

I breathed out, trying to remain calm.

The night before, Will and I got into a huge argument because he finally seen the photo of Shep and I kissing. I tried to tell him that it was just a fun thing to do, but he doesn't believe it. He's protective, I give him that.

I breathed out again.

-Last Night-

Crash! The sound of glass breaking to the side of me. I sat on the broken shards trying to not break down. I looked up to see an angry Will in front of me, screaming.

"Please Will, its not what you think." I cooed, trying to calm him down.

"Shut the fuck up asshole! You fucking cheater! A disgrace! I can't trust you!" he yelled at me as a threw another glass at me. The shards cut my skin on the way down. I winced at the pain but I knew that I've been through much worse.

Before I knew it, I felt a red hot mark on my right cheek. I looked up with my red, irritated eyes to see an almost upset Will. Tears met his eyes as he tried to apologize for lashing out. I then pushed him aside and ran to the nearest park, I then sat alone. I lifted up my sleeves to see my arms cut and bruised. The cuts mixed with my old self harm scars, which made it looked like I had a 'problem'. I sighed as I held in my tears. How could he do this to me? This side of Will I never met. I've seen him mad, but that's game rage; not relationship rage. All that replayed in my head as the glass shards hitting the floor and the sound of us arguing. I felt like I was at war with the one I love. My body looked like a battlefield.

Will's POV

"You fucking asshole!" I yelled at him. He fucking cheated on me. How could he!?

"Please Will, it's not what you think." He cooed, trying to calm me down. In which, his case, it didn't work. A part of me was saying it was all a joke, but another part tells me that he meant it. I grabbed the wine glass from the cupboard and threw it at him. I looked to see the glass shards falling against him. Without thought, I walked up to him and back-handed him.

He looked up with tears in his eyes.

I felt my eyes fill with water and start to break.

"Jordan-" before I could finish my sentence, he was gone. I then fell against the wall and sat in despair about what I just did. I regret my decisions, he didn't deserve it. I should have let him talk but my anger consumed me, just like how I let my demons consume me sometimes.

"Jordan I, I never meant it to happen." I cried as I dropped my head in my hands.

= = = = = A/N = = = = = = =

Okay so I wrote this out of anger and sadness. I was really mad because of something that happened today :/

But, hopefully I'll write more soon, I have like 3 more weeks of summer school then like 4 weeks till school starts -_- yay.

Haha but hope you guys have a better day than me. Love you all my cute little French baguettes


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