Our trip to romainia

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After Luca closed the door, I told him that we shouldnot mate yet. That we should wait and go on a romantic trip to romainia to see the rest of my family. The pack in romainia is the strongest pack in the world and my grandparents are the alphas of the pack. Luca says he's cool with that. I call my father and ask him if its ok to go to see my grandparents. My father says that I half to ask my mother. " hey mother can you come up here for a minute I have a question." I call down the stairs. "Sure" she says, and I here her coming up the stairs , so I tell Luca to sit in the chair at my desk so my mother can sit on the bed with me. He listens and after my mother gets to my room I ask her to sit with me. After she sits I ask her if it would be ok to visit grandmother and grandfather until the situation with the rouges calms down. " did u ask your father?" She asks. " I did and he told me to ask you." I tell her. She says its fine with her as long as I call everyday, get permission from grandfather, use the family's private jet, and be careful. I tackle her and give her a hug and tell her thank you. After she leaves I call grandfather. " hello" he answers on the third ring. "Hello grandfather how are y'all doing its been forever I miss you and grandmother." I say. " we miss you too sweetheart, im glad that you called but I know you have something to ask me." He tells me. "I found my mate his name is Luca and he's the son of an alpha. They are part of the pack now because his pack were attacked by rouges. Father and Luca's father are co-alphas. I was wondering if Luca and I could come to romania and visit while the rouges situtation is being handled?" I ask him. "Sure that's fine with us but I want you here tomorrow so just hop on the family jet after you pack and say goodbye to your parents okay." He said.

After I got off the phone with grandfather I told Luca that we need to pack and hurry. So I called father and told him that we were leaving and we would see him after we get back. Mother came in my room and hugged me and we said our goodbyes. On the way to the airport Luca drove fast and the ride was silent. Once we got to the airport we boarded the plane and sat in the plush chairs. The inside of the plane has purple fuzzy carpet with red plush chairs and it has 3 bedrooms.

After take off it normally takes us 5 hours to get there but today it took us at least 10 hours for some reason I couldn't figure out. When we finally make it to Romania we are escorted to Peleș Castle where my grandparents live. They are king and queen. Not only are they king and queen of Romania they are they strongest alphas in the world.

We finally get to the castle and my grandparents had us sent to the their study room. When I saw my grandfather I run and give him a hug. "Grandfather this is Luca my mate and future alpha." I tell him. "Its nice to finally nice to meet you ive heard so much about you, how old are you?" He asks Luca. " I'm eighteen going on nineteen and its nice to meet you to sir." replies Luca. "Are you hungary sweetheart, i know it was a long flight." Grandfather asks me. " Im starving what about you Luca?" I ask him. " im starving too, Love." He says. "Alright lets go eat then, Martha tell the cook to get dinner ready now!" Grandfather tells the servant. "Luca stay a minute I want to talk to you." he tells Luca. " Yes sir " Luca replies. "sweetheart go get your grandmother in the ballroom and then go to the dining hall." Grandfather tells me. "ok" I reply.

Luca's pov

"I want you to look after my granddaughter with your life do you understand." He tells me. " I will sir you have my word. I love her with all my heart." I say. " Have you two fully mated yet?" He ask. "No we havent yet we are waiting for the right time and for when ever she is ready." I reply. "Ok but I better be soon I'm thinking about asking y'all to take my place as alpha male and female" He says. " ok I will talk to her about it" I reply. " Alright lets go join them for dinner shall we." He says. When we get to the large dinning room I see my mate and she looks gorgeous. I cant tell you how sexy she is. When I look at her it stops my heart. After we eat we ask to be excused from the table and then we go to our room. 

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