NaPoWriMo by Vernicho

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NaPoWriMo, absurd, such a word I never heard.

Piqued, the curiosity, arcane mystery code to me,

what might this be? Elemental, perhaps, maybe,

will take time to ponder; 'Go brew some tea,

not the narcoleptic green, must have caffeine!'

Neuro-stimulus may bring light to shadow cloud,

enunciate this word aloud:

Na - (Nah) sodium, salt seasoning,

bitter non-sequitur reasoning.

Po - (poe) Edgar, a poet black and bleak,

meanings many there to seek, back to 'The Raven', take a peek,

nothing gained my brain's a' leak. Weak.

Polonium, oh pauvre Marie, research her tragic death cherie;

no miracle curie.

Po, a river in Italy, flows like my thoughts far away from me

enunciation will not unravel, a different path now must I travel.

Take knowledge from those who might know

the meaning of Na--Po--Wri--Mo.

Had to resort to Oracle of modern technology:

search-engine found the meaning, goodness me,

a literary challenge set for those like me!

Still I am not pleased with the knowledge from this Ark

for I am lacking creative spark

I feel bereft and incomplete

have not registered and will not compete!


Written by Vernicho ( 3 April 2013 ) Copyright ( All Rights Reserved )

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