Contribute to the LitFic Review

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Been reading the Review and wondering what you have to do to be a part of it? You're in the right place. 

The theme is poetry, in honor of NaPoWriMo, but that doesn't mean you have to write a poem. (Though that's definitely on theme.) You could write a story about a poet, a Wasteland fanfic, a fake rejection letter for a terrible poem... Fiction, non-fiction, flash, poems, prose, novel excerpts. Any length (as long as it will fit in one part).

⚬Any writer is welcome to contribute.

⚬Contributions should be literary and on the theme. (Obvs.)

⚬Each writer may contribute one part to the review.

⚬The Review is aiming for a a sub-R rating so it can appear on lists; keep that in mind.

⚬Contributions must be sent (messaged) by April 29th, midnight, GMT. The Review will not be updated after the 30th.

How to contribute

[ I will repost the complete text of your contribution as a new part in the LitFic Review; if this is not okay with you, don't contribute. :) ]

UPDATE: Someone messaged me to ask if there was a way to contribute work they don't want on their profile. Yes. You can send it direct in a message if it will fit, or message me and I will give you my email.


⚬Post your contribution as a work on your profile;

⚬Message me a link to the work [if it's a part in a larger work, message me a link directly to that part.]

⚬ In your message, tell me how you want your byline to appear if it differs from your WP username. 

⚬Optional: in your message, you may include a short bio (3 sentences/50 words) which I will add to the bottom of the part containing your contribution.

Note: Someone messaged asking if there was a way to contribute work that they didn't want to post on their problem. No problem. Just send the work in the body of your message. If it's too long for a message, I can give you my email.

After I receive your contribution, I will

⚬Add your contribution as a new part in the LitFic Review with your byline and a link back to your profile in the dedication.

⚬Message you back letting you know I've got it. (After I message you, you can unpublish your contribution from your profile if you want, but that's not obligatory. :)

[Note: copyright remains yours, you're just giving me permission to repost your work in the Review. Please set the copyright on your contribution and I'll set it to match.]


The first part of the Review will be an editorial explaining the purpose and the theme. 

Part two will be these guidelines.

Subsequent parts will be the contributions in the order they are received. This is why it's important to follow the directions and message me, not tag me on the message board or Meebo chat me, etc. I will be ordering the parts by the order of messages in my inbox.

The final part will be...

The Classifieds!

This project, and the whole of the LitFic profile, was born out of discussions in the clubs following the removal of SYS that wound up as a discussion about the lack of recognition for LitFic as a genre.

Following the new Wattpad direction of a dedicated advertisement thread in the genre clubs, the LitFic review will have a classifieds page where literary writers may advertise. The rules will roughly follow the rules in the Wattpad clubs, but with a twist.

See the classified section for the full details.

Advertisements may only be placed as comments in the classified section. 

Any questions? Post in the comments. 

(Classifieds will open on the first.)

If this project is a success, we'll do another one with a new theme. :)

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