CHAPTER VII: A Heavy Heart

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After hours of transportation, I was finally able to get my needed rest. I plopped down on my bed, taking in the scent of the room I longed to be in again. It was vast, way vaster than I remember for some reason. It's like my father did some cleaning while I was gone. It's good to be back home, it's good to be back with my dad.

I didn't bother even getting changed, my body was close to giving up and too drained to stand up or even to move. Only half of my body was on my bed and the other half was hanging off, but I didn't mind, it was like my body got paralyzed from being so tired.

It didn't take a while before I let myself experience heaven on earth itself. It was like I was sinking in the comfort of my bed while my mind was completely clear. It's like my problems were non-existent whenever I went over to my father's. It was quiet, quiet in a comforting way. My father was home but he said he had to do some work and I expected it to be loud, but it was entirely the opposite. It was eerily quiet, comforting, but eerie. It seemed unusual for me, it's like he's not here at all.

And yet I was too worn out to care. I know he'd still be there when I wake up, anyway.

Clank. Crumple. Clink.

I woke up from the loud sound of things being moved around me, like someone was rummaging through a pile of things. Feeling woozy, I didn't quite realize what was going on and ignored it, until I didn't. I sat up after realizing that someone was in fact going through my things. I'd expected it to be my father's house elf, but instead, it was my... father?

"Dad?" I called out to my father as I rubbed my eyes, trying to focus them on him. He was visibly startled by me as he had his back turned, but looked back at me immediately and smiled, "Hey, kid. Good sleep?" His words slipped off of his mouth smoothly and softly, "Yeah... what are you doing?" I asked out of curiosity, looking straight at him with a noticeably confused face that I didn't mean to make. "Well, I think I accidentally misplaced one of my quills in your room. Sorry for bothering, do you mind?" He asked, raising his eyebrows in consideration, "Oh, not at all. Do you need help finding it?" I suggested, standing up from the bed.

He thought for a couple of seconds before giving me a firm "sure," and smiling, causing a small smile to form on my face. I loved helping my father with random things, sometimes it's just an excuse that I use to subtly spend my time with him without asking. Although he is my father, I still get shy around him as I didn't really grow up with him. I only spent at least fifteen percent of my life with him.

I immediately started looking through the place. I looked through my room, the kitchen, the living room, hell, even the bathroom, but there was not a single quill in sight.

"Dad, don't you have an extra? Maybe you should just use an extra-" I said as I walked inside my room where I saw my dad holding a very familiar looking necklace.

It was my nephilimore stone.

"...Dad, could you give that to me?" I solicited nervously, but he only stared at the stone, examining it. Suddenly, he looked to his right, seemingly staring at a specific object and I couldn't decipher why. He stood there for at least a minute, then one of my picture frames shattered. I jolted from the sudden sound, but it seems like my dad was smiling.

He used the stone?

"Dad, I can explain! I found that on a random hallwa-" I reasoned, only to hear my dad chuckling quite loudly, "This is awesome! Nephilimore stone innit? What were you so nervous for, kid?" He laughed, patting me on the back. I didn't answer, I was just relieved that he didn't get mad at me for having such a sacred item. "Hey, why don't you continue to find my quill and I'll turn this into a better looking necklace for you? Hm?" He suggested, kneeling down to look up at me with a smile.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 07 ⏰

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