PROLOGUE: Upon Arrival

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Fiddling nervously with my fingers, I stand up densely in my position trying to fit in with the rest of the students around me. I recently arrived at Hogwarts along with the other students and everyone seemed to be equally as nervous as I am.

I heard voices all over the room. Voices of students who were either ridiculously excited or complaining about how tired they were and how they all just wanted to eat - considering how some of them couldn't really afford to buy something back at the train.

Everyone was being loud, but one particular student stood out above all. He caught everyone's attention by mentioning a name of someone I've never heard of.

"It's true then? What they're saying on the train? Harry Potter has come to Hogwarts." The boy walked towards the so-called Harry Potter, Smirking as he stepped closer and closer. "This is crabbe- and goyle. And I'm Malfoy, Draco Malfoy." He introduced himself as he took his hand out to shake Harry's, just to be met with a blank stare from the boy. He seemed to have noticed someone beside Harry, frowning at the sight of him.

Beside Harry was a red haired boy who chuckled slightly at the blonde boy's introduction. "Think my name's funny do you? No need to ask yours... Red hair, and a hand-me-down robe? Y'must be a Weasley." He taunted, making the redhead scowl in response. "You'll soon find out that some wizarding families are better than the other, potter," He trailed off, "You don't want making friends with the wrong sort, I can help you there."

I was interested in listening more to their not-so-civilized conversation, but I was distracted by a boy bumping into everyone, including me, seemingly looking for something. The boy was slightly chubby, had black hair, and a baby face. He looks like he just came out of kindergarten.

It hadn't even been a second and a woman wearing glasses and a pointy hat came out of a random hallway and stood in front of all of the students, making Malfoy and Potter stop their useless bickering. She started talking, explaining things that we should know about when in the middle of her little announcement, the same black-haired boy yelled, "Trevor!"

Everyone burst out laughing, well- except me. I was way too nervous for this, and the woman who introduced herself as Professor McGonagall decided to just dismiss it and go on. The announcement didn't last long before we were all led to the great hall. We were finally gonna eat, but before that, apparently we had to be sorted into our houses. I don't even know what that is.

Each student was called individually to the front as they sat down while a moving and talking hat was placed on their heads as it tells them which their houses were - which were Gryffindor, Slytherin, Ravenclaw, and Hufflepuff.

The same arrogant blonde boy from earlier was finally called up to the front and he sat down, looking rather nervous. I found this quite funny on how he's able to brag so much and can't handle a simple hat. Well, not so simple.

"Slytherin!" The hat yelled out loud as people from the Slytherin table cheered, making a smirk perk up the boy's face. Finally, the infamous Harry Potter was called upfront to get sorted. Both the hat and Harry looked confused, and I can tell that the hat was struggling. Even from far away, I can see Harry's mouth form out the words 'not Slytherin' over and over again until the hat said it out loud. He even looked surprised when it did so, making me smile a little bit.

At last, for what felt like 50 years of my life, the hat yelled, "Gryffindor!" and just like that, the Gryffindor table went wild, cheering the loudest for Harry.

A few more other students were called, and after each student was finished getting sorted, I grew more and more nervous each second. By any time it could be me now- "Y/N Alloria!" McGonagall called, making my heart palpitate as fast as it could. It made me feel as if I couldn't breathe.

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