CHAPTER I: Nephilimore Stone

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My head was a mess, I was trying to scream yet no words came out of my mouth. I couldn't move, I felt like my body was being crushed by a thousand bricks falling on top me and at the same time, I felt like I was being squeezed by the walls. I felt like the bed was swallowing me whole, like it was going to eat me alive. My breathing was heavy, my heart was pounding, and someone was screaming straight into my ear.

It was counting really fast non-stop while it got louder and louder each second. I forced my body to move yet nothing was happening, as if somebody was holding me down. I could open my eyes but I refused to do so, I was scared that if I did, I'd see something other than a person.

I was begging in my mind, begging for the screaming and the pain to stop; when finally, I was able to move my leg and I jolted up.

I immediately went to light my lamp and looked around. From my window, you could see the faint light coming from the sky. It was early in the morning. I checked the time, 4:50.

I immediately got ready instead of going back to sleep. This wasn't the first time I experienced this, and the first time I did, I opened my eyes and I saw something that wasn't so pleasant. I definitely didn't want to see the same thing I saw that time. The memory of that image in my head is a fuel to my nightmares.

I took a quick, cold shower, before going out to explore the halls. It's not like there was something to explore, I just didn't feel comfortable staying in my room right now. By this time, it was already 5:30 and some people had just woken up, there wasn't anyone in the hallways or in any of the classrooms.

As I meandered aimlessly, my gaze fell upon an object glinting on the floor. Seized by curiosity, I bent down and retrieved the shining item. Upon closer inspection, I discovered it was a simple stone, but the sunlight glanced off its surface, bestowing upon it the illusion of a sparkling gemstone. The thought of crafting it into a necklace pendant crossed my mind. I imagined a simple leather cord looped through a hole drilled in the center, suspending the stone as a mesmerizing amulet around my neck.

I put the object in the pocket of my skirt as my mind flew with thoughts, completely forgetting about the item in my pocket as I strolled through the hallways.

It didn't take that long before breakfast started. Everyone was seated at the great hall waiting for their first meal of the day as I was doing the same, staring into space and enjoying my own company. It also didn't take long before I noticed someone's familiar burning stare pierce through my soul, and as expected, I turned my head around to see the same blonde boy staring at me. What's his problem?

I only stared back with a straight face. It's so early in the morning and he already looks like he wants to set me on fire. What did I even do to him to make him hate me this much? Did my last name enrage him that much?

"What?" I mumbled, still staring back at the boy. He didn't say anything and only rolled his eyes with the same default disgusted expression he had on his face every time I saw him. I tried not to mind it, looking away, praying to God that he would just stop staring at me like that. It makes me so irritated.

He stopped staring, but now a different boy was being annoying. He's being so astronomically loud. It's so early in the morning, where does he get all of that energy from? The void?

I stared at the loud boy, wishing that he'd turn my way and realize that his mouth needs a break, but he never did, he never turned my way. Now, all I can do is watch him yell the story of how he managed to win a spar session with one of his "big friends." That sounds extremely gay if you ask me.

Gosh, I wish that his tongue just explodes from all that talking.

"Bloody hell!" The girl beside the loud boy yelled as everyone gasped, screamed, and even called for help. Confused, I went over closer to their table to see what was going on, and I saw the loud boy with his mouth wide open, hands covering his mouth, and blood all over his face and clothes.

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