Chapter Four: Happy

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Paramedics rushed out to get Josh. Colleen freaked out, and ran in following, making sure he was okay. I didn't know how this would play out, but it all scared me.
I felt like all of this was because of me. If I hadn't joined this house, we would have never gone out to breakfast, getting in a crash on the way home. It just wouldn't have happened. Now, Josh could've been taking his last breaths, all because of me. It was all my fault.
I just sat in the waiting area, staring at the wall. My iPod made its notification sound, and I looked down to see that Chad had texted me.
It said that Juliana was doing just fine, and she is very healthy now. I was happy for her, but still extremely worried about Josh. I continued texting her for a little while, until I saw Colleen walking toward me with a doctor.
"Everything is alright." She said. I took a deep breath. It was okay. He just had to stay this one night. He would be leaving tomorrow, just as Juliana was.
I walked in to see Josh.
"Hey, bud." He said.
"Hey, dad." I replied, realizing I had just called him dad. He looked over at Colleen smiling. Did I make a mistake saying dad? I hoped not, but I'll just have to see how everything goes.
I also visited Juliana, who was enjoying herself. I was happy. Not only for her, but for Chad as well. His girlfriend was okay.
I spent most of the day with Josh and Colleen. He was doing a whole lot better, everything was going great.
The next morning came, and Josh got everything together, and off we went.
On our way out, we ran into none other than Chad and Juliana.
"We'll see you soon." Juliana said, with a wink.
"Most definitely." I replied.
We drove home safely, and all just had to sit together in the living room. Kale chips were made, and we had some nice dinner.
"Is it okay if I call you guys mom and dad?" I said, immediately regretting it.
They exchanged some looks, smiling, and I took that as a good sign.
"Of course," Colleen replied.
I was happy. I had never wanted to call any of my foster parents mom and dad before. Colleen and Josh were the first.
I continued texting Juliana and Chad, and I was happy to not only have gotten great friends, but great friends who I could trust.
We all went to bed, and the next morning Josh and Colleen woke me up, and asked if I wanted to go shopping. We got ready, and got in the car we were able to currently use. It was from a friend who let us use it.
We went to the mall, and began shopping.
"We're mainly doing this to get you more clothes." Josh said. I was so happy to get more clothes. I was sick and tired of what I had. For once, I asked for some short sleeve shirts. I got a watch, and some nice pants. Best of all, I got high tops.
We enjoyed spending some nice time together. I loved my new foster home.
When we got home, I got dressed up in some of my favorites, and Josh asked me to come into the living room. He was sitting on the couch, with all of the filming equipment set up.
He asked me to sit, and he started up the camera.
"Wanna say 'What's up internet?" He said.
"It would be an honor." I replied.
"Okay! 5... 4... 3... 2... 1..."
"What's up internet?!" I said. I've always wanted to say that on film. With that, he began:
"Hey dingleberries, I know all of you are probably mad about the lack of vlogs these past few days, but they will resume tomorrow. I was in the hospital, but I also... got a kid!" He smiled at me. "This is," he gestured at me.
"Mike!" I said.
"I hope you guys can understand everything. We are so happy Mike is here." He called Colleen over, and she stepped out, and came over to sit.
"We are happy to have Mike join our family, and we hope you are all to." She said. I smiled at both of them. I knew this family was perfect. I loved them.
They continued the video, I spoke a few times, but not too many. We concluded the video just as all of Josh's videos, and we were done.
"Thank you guys so much. You're awesome." I said.
"No problem." Josh said.
I checked my iPod, and I had a Kik notification from Chad. I went on the app, and his most recent text was, "Juliana's missing."

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